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0001kapasan2018/10/25(木) 18:22:12.85ID:???
090 5925 7851
『僕に文句がある人はここにかけてください(電話番号 省略)』っと書かれてた。


0002名無しさん2018/10/26(金) 01:34:09.28ID:???
Ibaraki Pref, which is famous for natto production,
is now developing a new kind of natto.
It's called "mamenoka", meaning scent of soybean.
The main feature of this natto is its feeling and smell;
not sticky, nor smell so bad.

Interested? Just wait for it.AdSense click please.

I like dry natto which tastes kind of fragrant.Is it ama-natto(dry sweet natto)?

Ama-natto is a kind of sweets.
Totally different from ordinary natto.
They only have their names in common.
I've never seen other dry ones though I'm a Japanese.

0003名無しさん2018/11/01(木) 19:49:22.17ID:???

0004名無しさん2018/11/04(日) 14:30:13.54
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0005名無しさん2018/11/04(日) 15:17:38.12ID:???

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