You guys make FOREX too hard
The stock is very mechanic, as long as the loss-cut is -2% and profit taking is 4% then it’s fine
Using this simple rule, I made my $820,000 profile into $140,000
You won’t get good result on that…
Make the loss-cut is -5% and profit taking is 5%
With this I made my $400,000 into $12,000
Tomorrow is finally the National Center Test for University Admissions!
I’m so nervous right now…
Anyone taking the test should be resting for the big day tomorrow right?
I’ve seen the exams bulletin
It seems that there will be testing today and tomorrow…
I told my parent and they cry at me. Got mad at me. Hit me.
I called the teacher and they yelled at me, and told me to come to school right now.
Even if I go now……it’s kind of too late, huh?
2 days ago me and 2 of my friend went to a family restaurant
It was busy so we wrote our name on the wait list
After a while, the waitress called out “Party for 3 F,Frieza?”
I whispered to my friend “There’s always someone doing this,”
And then the other friend stood up, and said “It’s time! Let’s go! Zarbon, Dodoria!!”
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2018/03/18(日) 19:15:52.21ID:kmVUWqib0■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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