UNDER TALEのオリキャラ作って遊ぶ
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1Σ ◆F6aoRxKC4Q
2017/11/23(木) 17:29:38.35 スレタイ通り、undertaleのオリキャラを作って遊ぶスレです!
2Σ ◆F6aoRxKC4Q
2017/11/23(木) 17:30:22.52 How was it fun?
Killing a monster?
I liked you…
I seemed to get a wrong partner to choose somehow or other…
…Oh, I say, and you fold the determination to die here anyway
It is a beautiful day today.
The bird sings, and the flower is in full glory…
To waste like you…
I have you receive the judgment of God.
It is not only you and sans that what happened and can avoid an attack.
I watched you every day…You who have a strange smile when I murder you…
Your determination is surely strong…But I; go the top more.
When you give seriousness and do not take it, will you come back again?
Therefore I continue murdering you.
You whom I know a thing made in LOVE.
But I am stronger than you.
Killing a monster?
I liked you…
I seemed to get a wrong partner to choose somehow or other…
…Oh, I say, and you fold the determination to die here anyway
It is a beautiful day today.
The bird sings, and the flower is in full glory…
To waste like you…
I have you receive the judgment of God.
It is not only you and sans that what happened and can avoid an attack.
I watched you every day…You who have a strange smile when I murder you…
Your determination is surely strong…But I; go the top more.
When you give seriousness and do not take it, will you come back again?
Therefore I continue murdering you.
You whom I know a thing made in LOVE.
But I am stronger than you.
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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