UNIX is a concept
by which we measure our gain

I'll say it again

UNIX is a concept
by which we measure what we've got

I don't believe in #!/bin/sh
I don't believe in TCP/IP
I don't believe in K-and-R
I don't believe in /usr/games/fortune
I don't believe in Linus
I don't believe in RMS
I don't believe in Bill J.
I don't believe in awk, sed, & grep
I don't believe in regular expressions
I don't believe in GNU products
I don't believe in GPL
I don't believe in BSD Licence
I don't believe in AT&T
I don't believe in Open Source Community
I don't believe in Proprietary UNIXen
I don't believe in X ...

I just believe in Me
Me and Bill G.
And that's reallity

The dream is over. what can I say?
The dream is over, yesterday

I was the Netscaper, but now Internet Explorer
I was the Texnician, but now I use Word
And so dear friends,
you'll just have to carry on,
The dream is over