Using the MySQL Software Under a Commercial License

You need a commercial license:

・When you link a program with any GPL code from the MySQL software and don't want the resulting product to be GPL,
maybe because you want to build a commercial product or keep the added non-GPL code closed source for other reasons.
・When you distribute a non-GPL application that only works with the MySQL software and ship it with the MySQL software.
This type of solution is actually considered to be linking even if it's done over a network.
・When you distribute copies of the MySQL software without providing the source code as required under the GPL license.
・When you want to support the further development of the MySQL database even if you don't formally need a commercial license. Using the MySQL Software for Free Under GPL

You can use the MySQL software for free under the GPL if you adhere to the conditions of the GPL.
Some common cases:

・When you distribute both your own application as well as the MySQL source code under the GPL with your product.
・When you distribute the MySQL source code bundled with other programs that are not linked to or dependent on the MySQL system for their functionality
even if you sell the distribution commercially. This is called mere aggregation in the GPL license.
・If you are not distributing any part of the MySQL system, you can use it for free.
・When you are an Internet Service Provider (ISP), offering web hosting with MySQL servers for your customers.
・When you use the MySQL Database Software in conjunction with a web server, you do not need a commercial license (so long as it is not a product you distribute).
This is true even if you run a commercial web server that uses MySQL Server, because you are not distributing any part of the MySQL system.