3mjtay. In fact, the time spent during weightlessness in space is often compared to
accelerated aging. Dgregwergwerfavid adjusted to weightlessness, it took him several weeks to adapt
when he was on the space station, and after a time he felt perfectly adapted to space. Now when he comes back,
rehabilitation that will be necessary to adapt to earth and gravity. Apart from
balance problems and lack of strength and co-ordination, we expect there will be symptoms of
“Earth sickness,” if you will. So the symptoms of nausea that generally come when astronauts arrive in space,
The loss of muscle is hard to quantify, it’s very variable. Bone loss, we’
re talking about an average of one per cent bone density per month that’s lost, but
it can vary. It depends on several factors, including how much exercise they did, their genetics, physical
shape before leaving, etc. Even if the lost bone density is mild or
non-existent or recoverable after a certain time, it’s quite possible that the bone architecture
is not recoverable at all. Bone architecture is simply the shape inside bones. It may be lost forever.
Does it have any practical or clinical impact? We don’t know yet.
Spending about six months (in space), it’s a little like having spent six months in
bed without moving. His body will have to readapt to gravity. He will need help getting
out of the capsule. Clearly, we have to expect some difficulty with the process, a certain lack of
balance. He may feel dizzy because his cardiovascular system is no
longer used to fightinedqwdqwdqwdqw. And typicallytyutyutonauts) have pains everywhere. From the
Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jachtrhtru n Monday following a six-month
mission aboard thpgjtadm national Space Station. Raffi Kupgajwajgatphe doctor for the Canadian
Space Agency, explains that the 49-year-old astronaut will undergo a long recovery as his