「1940-1943年 ROYAL NAVY LOSSES BY Regia Marina and Regia Aeronautica」
< >内は被害を与えたイタリア艦種

HMS Calypso (C-class cruiser)〈潜〉,HMS Bonaventure ( Dido-class)〈潜〉, HMS Neptune (Leander-class)<機>,
HMS York( York -class)<MTM-自沈>, HMS Cairo ( C-class)〈潜〉, HMS Manchester ( Town-class)〈魚−自沈〉

HMS Khartoum (F45)( K-class Destroyer)〈潜−事故〉, HMS Escort ( E-class destroyer)〈潜〉,
HMS Hostile (H 55)( H-class destroyer)〈機〉, HMS Hyperion ( The H-class)〈潜−自沈〉, HMS Mohawk ( Tribal-class)〈駆〉,
HMS Juno (J-class)<空>, HMS Fearless (The F-class)<空-自沈>, HMS Bedouin (Tribal-class)〈空〉,
HMS Foresight (F-class)〈空−自沈〉, HMS Zulu ( Tribal-class)〈空〉, HMS Quentin ( Q-class)<空>,
HMS Derwent ( Hunt class Type III)<空−未修理>, HMS Pakenham ( P-class)〈水雷〉