By 1939 Italy had developed, after an effort of almost fifteen years, an effective sonar (ecogoniometro)*2, but the small
capacity of Italy's electoronics industry and its priority on consumer products led to the postponement of its production.
Thus, in the war's early period, hydrophones, including the almost useless First World War "C" type, provided the majar
tool for detecting submarines under water. Auxiliary escort vessels and MAS boats had to rely on the drift-and-listen
technique. This required highly trained operators with sensitive ears. Specialized antisubmarine craft consisted of only
the Albatros*3, equipped with one of the navy's two echo-detection sets available in June 1940, and the four Pegaso-class*4
escort torpedo boats. The navy acuired German sonars in late 1941, and Italian-made sets arrived the next year. However,
even as late as September 1943, the Regia Marina possessed only thirty-six Italian and thirty-one German sets. For
comparison, Great Britain entered the war with roughly two thousand Asdic.
