This war on terrorism is bogus
Michael Meacher

The 9/11 attacks gave the US
an ideal pretext to use force to
secure its global domination
Sat 6 Sep 2003 12.15 BST

We now know that a blueprint for the creation of
a global Pax Americana was drawn up for
Dick Cheney (now vice-president),
Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary),
Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy),
Jeb Bush (George Bush's younger brother) and
Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff).
The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences, was written in
September 2000 by
the neoconservative think tank,
Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

First, it is clear the US authorities did little or nothing
to pre-empt the events of 9/11.
It is known that at least
11 countries provided advance warning to the US of the 9/11 attacks.