Greg Rubini

on Sept 11, 2001:
John Brennan was CIA Deputy Executive Director
Michael Hayden was NSA Director
Robert Mueller was FBI Director
Connect the Dots...
10:16 - 2019年8月25日

2. in spite of the Intelligence Agencies total failures in
preventing 9/11,
none of them was punished, nor demoted.
on the contrary, they were PROMOTED
what does it tell you?

3. Michael Hayden became CIA Director later,
in 2013,
John Brennan became CIA Director
Robert Mueller remained FBI Director for 12 more years
what does it tell you? .

4. and all 3 LOVE each other and LOVE obama and
all 3 HATE Trump
coincidence? .
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)