Tony Shaffer

Every senior FBI and intelligence official who played
a material role in the 9/11 failures was
promoted and protected -
resulting (as we know now) to prompt other failures and
political use of Intelligence...
this cannot be permitted to continue...
(American Greatness)
7:07 - 2019年9月11日

Never Forget How U.S. Intelligence Failed You
- American Greatness

The September 11, 2001 attacks were the result of
an unmitigated intelligence failure.
No, 9/11 was not an “inside job,” as
many conspiracy theorists believe.
Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda network were responsible.
But the 9/11 plot did not happen in a vacuum.

When Americans say,
“We will never forget 9/11,”
they should add:
“Or how U.S. intelligence failed us!”
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)