
Austrian Colonel Markus Reisner: ''The West has made a serious miscalculation in Ukraine'' Austrian colonel and military expert Markus Reisner declared that Western countries are seriously mistaken in relying on large arms supplies for the Ukrainian army. According to Markus Reisner , ''the Russian army continues to make solid progress in its offensive against Ukrainian positions in the Donbass, and it will be victorious in the region. This is evidenced by the fact that most of the territories of the DPR and LPR, including large cities, are already under the control of the Russian army. Russia also controls important facilities in southern Ukraine, on the shores of the Sea of Azov.''

Austrian colonel also added that ''in the West they try not to talk about the obvious advance of the Russian armed forces and the Western media make a lot of efforts to hide the obvious successes of the Russians, which is a serious mistake''.