文学理論 10 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
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2016/10/15(土) 10:43:02.72ID:52u1ZxOn


文学理論 9 http://echo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1473726035/
文学理論 8 http://echo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1456876313/
文学理論 7 http://echo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1428940593/
文学理論 6 http://peace.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1411222847/
文学理論 5 http://peace.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1398531661/
文学理論 4 http://peace.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1306120505/
【Literary】文学理論・文学批評V【Theory】 http://kamome.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1189092029/
【Literary】文学理論2【Teory】 http://pyon.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1111258919/
文学理論 http://book3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/book/1034435329/

テリー・イーグルトン 『文学とは何か―現代批評理論への招待』
田辺保〔ほか〕編   『文芸批評を学ぶ人のために』
ジョナサン・カラー  『文学理論』
ラマーン・セルデン 『ガイドブック現代文学理論』
ピーター・バリー 『文学理論講義』


廣野由美子 『批評理論入門』
西田谷洋 『学びのエクササイズ文学理論』
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2017/05/10(水) 20:30:14.15ID:A8j9DJHc
His(=Plotinus') life is almost co-extensive with one of the most disastrous periods in
Roman history. .....
He turned aside from the spectacle of ruin and misery in the actual world, to contemplate
an eternal world of goodness and beauty. In this he was in harmony with all the most
serious men of his age. To all of them, Christians and pagans alike, the world of practical
affairs seemed to offer no hope, and only the Other World seemed worthy of allegiance.
To the Christian, the Other World was the Kingdom of Heaven, to be enjoyed after death;
to the Platonist, it was the eternal world of ideas, the real world as opposed to that of
illusory appearance. (Russell, History of Western Philosophy, p.)
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2017/05/10(水) 21:08:15.77ID:A8j9DJHc
(In) the imagination anything goes that can be imagined, and the limit of the imagination
is a totally human world. Here we recapture , in full consciousness, that original lost sense
of identity with our surroundings, where there is nothing outside the mind of man, or
something identical with the mind of man. Religions present us with visions of eternal and
infinite heavens or paradises which have the form of the cities and gardens of human
civilization, like the Jerusalem and Eden of the Bible, completely separated from the state
of frustration and misery that bulks so large in ordinary life. (Frye, The Educated Imagination)
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