700吾輩は名無しである2018/05/28(月) 17:56:33.51ID:JOhO4v/E
>He rolled over and began to go into a spasm of coughing, rocking from side to side(446)
>He started to struggle more violently(446)

≫He rolled over and began to go into a spasm of coughing

≫自動詞として「もがく」とするにしてもHe struggledはあんまり意味が通じません

701吾輩は名無しである2018/05/28(月) 18:04:03.23ID:JOhO4v/E
I had been picturing the man’s death over and over again for five years now, ever since I had found out what had happened that summer. (446)

559吾輩は名無しである2018/05/27(日) 19:50:11.89ID:VUcGUE0z
I had been picturing the man’s death over and over again for five years now, ever since
I had found out what had happened that summer.
over and over againは決まり文句なのでスムーズなのですが、そのあとfor five years nowで台無し
ever sinceのあとにhad foundもダメです