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2023/01/08(日) 14:58:42.96
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2023/01/08(日) 16:34:25.32
今は公共施設にいる 夜まで粘って
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2023/02/09(木) 09:00:37.69
Can I get an amen?
Suit yourself !
Mind your own business !
Don't bother !
What's wrong with me?
That can't be right !
Can that be possible?
How(Why) should I apologize to you?
That's a bummer !
I can't be bothered
That's a drag !
It's no use persuading me
There is no smoking here
You are not supposed to park here
How am I supposed to live without you ?
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2023/02/09(木) 09:17:33.90
struggle to
stick to
discount ,bring down
get it together
get together ,gather
in advance
in person
even so ,nonetheless ,nevertheless ,all the same ,still
even if(though)
as if
what if〜?、if only〜
Hou about〜? 、What about〜?
unless〜 、(just)in case〜
according to
besides ,in addition to
but for ,except for
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2023/02/09(木) 19:32:38.78
top-tier ,top-notch ,first rate ,immediatelly ,directly
increasingly ,usually ,eventually ,actually ,practically
desperately ,hopelessly ,technically ,literally
deliberately ,ridiculously ,hopefully ,absolutely ,definately
flawlessly ,thankfully ,narrowly ,almost
freaking ,fucking ,so damn ,hella
elsewhere ,nowhere ,somewhat ,however ,somehow
rapidly ,efficiently ,approximately
frankly speaking ,to put it bluntly ,in my orrogant opinion
especially ,in particular ,overall ,throughout ,totally ,exactly
mindblowing ,breathtaking ,confusing pitiful ,pathetic
usual ,ordinary ,practical ,available ,immaculate ,excellent ,offensive ,steady
disgusting ,annoying ,embarrassing ,aggressive
broad ,wide,extensive ,expensive ,cost a fortune
be worth〜ing ,deserve to〜
incredible ,amazing ,exciting ,nasty ,wicked
hog heaven ,hour of bliss ,phony ,knock-off ,false
stingy .miserly ,naughty ,tribial ,trifling ,brittle ,fragile
alternative ,alternate ,time-consuming ,oppsite ,confused
lame ,basic ,exclusive ,terrific ,apparent ,stunning ,overwhelming
crunchy ,crispy ,extra ,oversea ,defective
insipid ,conventional ,brand-new ,breaking ,infamous
gross ,weird ,creepy ,fierce ,ferocious
appetizing ,greasy ,queasy ,nauseous
severe ,strict ,overdone ,overdue
in order(turn) ,in return ,out of order ,out of line
classy ,chic ,wholesome ,sound ,sufficient ,fair enough
skinny ,stubborn ,grumpy ,prime ,primary ,chief
awkward ,timid ,humble ,modest
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2023/02/09(木) 20:58:24.81
attend to ,take care of 、care for ,look after ,take care ,be careful
turn down ,reject ,refuse ,hold(hang) on to ,hold on , hold back
turn around ,turn away ,turn back ,turn out ,turn(show) up , turn on(off)
get rid of ,part with ,let go ,throw away ,dump ,abandon ,desert
get pissed off ,get triggered ,get upset ,get angry
get stuck in ,get ripped off ,get carried away
so far ,until now ,to date ,by now ,for once ,for a day
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2023/02/09(木) 23:20:01.65
crash into ,have a crush on ,mash ,smash ,slam ,beat ,defeat
be familiar with ,be popular with
desperate for ,be dying for ,would kill for ,be anxious to ,be eager to
mess with ,make a move on ,move on ,move over
carry on ,keep on ,go on ,continue ,last
as usual ,as ever ,as always
screw up ,mess up ,fuck up ,make(pull) a boner ,do badly
cap(top) off ,end(wind) up
have gone bad ,go rotten ,spoil
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2023/02/10(金) 00:19:02.50
do with ,go with ,do without ,go without ,deal with ,cope with
cancel ,retract ,take back
put(pull) on ,take off ,take away ,remove
put off ,postpone ,call off ,cancel
put out ,extinguish ,put away ,put aside
purchase ,buy ,merchandise ,goods
come out ,pass away ,make it ,come with
make it through ,live through ,rise above ,pull through ,get past ,get over
charge A B for C ,make a reservation ,reserve
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2023/02/10(金) 00:40:41.21
live out ,live up to ,live it up
spinach ,green pepper ,carrot ,onion ,fried egg
go for ,Go for it ! ,Go ahead ! ,You bet ! , likewise ,otherwise
I'm up for it ,Sounds good ! I'm not up for it ,I'm not up to it
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2023/02/10(金) 00:58:03.31
Who is your celebrity crush ?
What floor are you going to ?
If you don't mind〜  、If it’s all the same to you〜
no matter what ,whatever it takes ,
It doesn't matter to me ,I don't care
Don't worry about it !
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2023/02/10(金) 16:15:28.80
within ,in less than ,inside of
be sick of ,be tired of ,be fed up with ,get bored with
be similar to ,resemble ,take after ,be alike
refund ,pay back exhausted ,weary ,tired out
vomit ,throw up freak out ,flip out
achieve ,accomplish ,pull it off ,make it
cure ,un-break ,cure A of B steal ,pinch
pop into ,drop in(by) ,stop by
dull ,boring ,tiresome ,tedious
look it up ,reseach look for ,seek ,search(for) ,quest
believe(in) ,trust ,have faith in ,focus on ,concentrate on
mend ,repair ,fix
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2023/02/10(金) 17:20:23.93
distinguish ,recognize ,realize ,notice ,find(out)
crush ,mash ,squeeze
check ,verify ,comfirm check it out ,figure it out
demand ,ask for ,request ,claim ,require
forgive ,let ,excuse ,allow ,permit delete ,erase
discount ,bring down ,reduce ,save
refund ,pay back answer ,reply ,respond
attractive ,fascinating ,alluring ,inviting
be crowded ,be thronged ,be packed
any minute ,at the last minute ,in a heartbeat ,right away ,at the same time
cucumber ,spinach ,green pepper wallet ,purse
lately ,those days ,nowadays ,recently
take part in ,join in ,participate hinder ,prevent
apparently ,intentionally ,possibly ,maybe ,probably
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2023/02/10(金) 20:14:20.69
tear(rip) apart ,be concerned about ,be worried about ,worry about
all the time ,all the way ,of all time ,in terms of ,as for(to) ,when it comes to
the right way ,across the board ,by word of mouth
other than ,except ,but a matter of taste ,a matter of time
take a chance on〜 ,blow up ,be willing to ,be unwilling to
look(watch) out for〜  ,be wary of〜 get addicted to
be on a right track ,looks about right ,Hats off to〜 ,off the charts
on schedule ,according to schedule ,according to plan ,instead of〜
get lost ,lose my way ,stray away
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2023/02/10(金) 20:44:42.03
for free ,for nothing ,free of charge ,without a fee(charge)
miss out on ,be set to ,be indifferent to ,bring up ,raise ,grow on ,come by
No way ! ,Nothing doing ! ,I mean it !
That' right ! ,Straight up ! ,Exactly !
Of course ,Sure ,Certainly ,Absolutely ,Definitely ,By all means
That's all right ! ,That will do ! ,That's good ! ,Either will be fine !
Can I ask you a favor ? No more thank you !
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2023/02/11(土) 00:11:38.62
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2023/02/11(土) 09:33:02.80
inspiring ,nonsensical ,pointless ,undeniable ,dismissive ,unfortunatelly
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2023/02/11(土) 18:38:55.01
problem ,issue ,matter ,cheap ,cheesy ,sleazy ,shabby ,contain ,include
intricate .complicated ,complex , launch ,release ,put on a sale ,exclude
refund ,reimburse ,pay back confuse ,puzzle ,baffle tag ,handrail
goose bumps(pimples) ,trashy ,crappy ,lame ,bland ,basic ,lonely ,lonesome
fun ,lit ,delectable ,fool ,deceive ,betray ,cheat
rely on ,turn to ,depend on ,count on ,like ,adore ,be fond of ,care for
depart ,leave ,set off , be off ,at noon ,at midday ,in the day time
up-to-date ,breaking ,the latest ,classy ,fancy ,plush ,high-grade ,luxury
at the moment ,at present ,currently , at this rate ,this time ,last time
make up my mind ,decide ,determine
thing ,affair ,business ,matter ,stuff
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2023/02/11(土) 20:30:26.72
happen to〜 ,manage to〜 ,take out ,draw ,withdraw ,take back , retract
remember ,recall ,bring back , bring up ,raise ,lead back ,look back ,look around
out of question ,just because ,for some reason ,hang out with ,stroll with
can' go wrong with〜   ,get on ,get in(into)
The joke is overdone
I gotta leave in 10 minutes
You can't go wrong with a filet steak
Would you mind showing me around Waikiki ?
I ran out of time
I can't do otherwise
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2023/02/12(日) 17:02:01.92
after review ,even now ,since morning ,under control ,with all ,by the minute
be fortunate to ,in a good mood ,in a foul mood ,be hung up on
add A to B ,get close(near) to ,approach ,come up ,be blessed with ,Bless you !
superior to ,can't help〜ing ,pour down ,come close to〜ing
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2023/02/12(日) 20:03:16.83
in my arrogant opinion ,to be sure ,to be honest ,lay down ,lie down
Get lost(out) ! , Go away ! ,Fuck off ! ,Let me go ! ,Back off ! ,Fuck you !
Come off it ! ,Hang it up ! ,Get down ! ,No kidding ! ,Send for a doctor, please !
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2023/02/12(日) 21:38:06.27
pull out ,pull over ,prepare for ,be(get) ready for ,look forward to〜ing
be liable to ,walk away ,fail to ,get off , had better ,would be better off〜ing
beat up ,stir ,fill in ,fill out , live on ,pick on ,on the verge(point) of〜ing
prefer A to B ,be keen on ,on purpose ,get on my nerves ,from now on
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2023/02/13(月) 21:09:34.28
What about payment?
I can eat any vegetable except cucumber.
This price includes service charges.
exclude ,except 、include ,contain
budget ,deposit ,price ,charge ,fee ,fare ,(weather) forcast ,weather report
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2023/02/13(月) 21:50:25.99
pull into 私道、ガソリンスタンドなどへ車を入れる
pull out  私道、ガソリンスタンド、路肩などから車を道路に出す
pull over 走行中の車を路肩に寄せて停車する
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2023/02/14(火) 20:07:03.50
pay attention to ,attend to ,look out for ,watch out for ,be careful ,take care
look after ,attend to ,take care of ,care for
attend to ,deal with ,take care of ,handle ,see to

as soon as〜 ,the minute〜 ,immidiately(directly)〜 ,On〜 ,Once〜(現在完了)
pending ,up in the air ,hands down ,ever since〜 ,ever after〜
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2023/02/14(火) 20:58:11.12
get back ,take back ,regain ,recover
No offense ! , No wonder ! ,It makes sense.
I can't get enough of it .
I'm sorry if I offended you. But I didn't mean it.(It wasn't my intention)
Can I have an extra pate ?
Can I have another blanket ?
Can I have some more bread ?
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2023/02/15(水) 13:21:59.29
I'll take care of it.
Who is your celebrity crush ?
How long have you been around ?
Is there a charge for it ? Does it cost money ?
I dig it at first sight(in a glance,just one look)
Are you open now ?
When are you usually closed ?
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2023/02/15(水) 20:22:34.41
nothing(not) in particular ,nothing much ,not much of〜
so far ,up to now ,up until now ,to date  、by now ,for once ,for a day
throughout ,all over ,all across ,work out ,leave A with B ,a variety of〜 ,
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2023/02/16(木) 18:59:06.55
take care of business
Please take care of me ! Please attend to me !
please take care of yourself !
Bless you !
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2023/02/16(木) 19:07:48.63
a variety of
all kinds of
many different
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2023/02/16(木) 20:09:44.51
well off ,better off ,work out ,do well,do badly
(would)be better off 〜ing(形容詞,with,without,as)
(would)be better to〜
had better

You would be better off not ordering it.
I was better off not ordering it.
I would be better off without my wife.
I would be better off dead.
It would be better (for you) to give up.
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2023/02/16(木) 20:27:19.02
bring back ,remind A of B ,remember ,recall
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2023/02/17(金) 21:43:31.37
After you ! Go ahead ! Go for it ! Keep going ! Give it a try ! Keep it up !
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2023/02/18(土) 18:40:33.37
I have a lot of things on my mind.
There is a mosquito on the ceiling.
On hearing the news,I came here in a hurry(in haste,in a rush).
I'm good to go.
This passport is valid for all countries and ares,unless otherwise endorsed.
Could you pass me the pepper ? Here you are(go).
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2023/02/18(土) 19:19:49.72
Would it be ready soon ?
How long do I have to wait ? How long is the wait ?
Could you tell(show) me the way to Ala Moana ?
Could I make myself understood in English ?
Can I talk to you for a second(minute) ? Do you have a second(minute) ?
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2023/02/19(日) 19:25:04.44
I'll get off at Ala Moana. What time do you get off work ?
If there should be a problem,do let me know. Give me a heads-up !
Could you break(exchage) a hundred dollar bill ?
Could you move over a little ,please ?
Would you speak more slowly ?
Where is the rest room ?
What's inside the bread ? What's in it ?
Could you take away my plates ?
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2023/02/26(日) 10:55:48.64
Just deal with it !
Can I try this on ?
This is not what I ordered.
My food hasn't come yet.
What would you recommend ? What do you think is the best ?
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2023/02/28(火) 20:28:55.82
except〜 ,but〜 ,other than〜
besides〜 ,in addition to〜 ,other than〜
so far ,up until now ,up to now ,for now ,to date
be on a right track ,looks about right
be going to〜 ,be about to〜 ,be likely to〜 ,on the verge(point) of〜
come close to〜ing ,almost〜
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2023/03/04(土) 18:59:58.34
trash ,garbage
put away, take away, put back ,clean up
throw away ,dump
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2023/03/05(日) 18:59:51.89
apparent ,plain ,obvious ,clear ,distinct ,evident
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2023/03/29(水) 20:39:24.94
filthy ,nasty ,dirty ,wicked ,dope ,sick ,badass
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2023/04/01(土) 15:28:01.92
to death , to date ,to the point ,to my disappointment ,in advance ,in person
struggle to ,stick to ,keep to ,apply for(to) ,get to
get together ,gather ,meet up
get it together ,pull it off
deposit ,budget ,price range ,estimate
even so ,nonetheless ,nevertheless ,all the same ,still
even if(though) ,as if
what if 〜? ,if only 〜
How about 〜?  、What about 〜?
unless 〜 ,(just) in case 〜
Why(How) should I〜 ?
There is no 〜ing ,It's no use 〜ing ,There is no way 〜
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2023/04/01(土) 16:00:32.45
Don't bother ! ,No more thank you ! ,I'm full ,That's enough !
Suit yourself ! ,Mind your own business !
I can't be bothered ,That's a drag
That's a bummer ! ,What a bummer !
That can be right ! ,Can that be possible !
What's wrong with me ? ,What's wrong with it ?
Can I get an amen ?
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2023/04/01(土) 16:16:38.37
I won't let you go to death
I love it to death
Do you have a cheaper one ?
Could you get me a smaller size ?
Could you take off the price tags,please ?
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2023/04/16(日) 19:08:17.39
I decided not to drink for a while
How much will it cost in total ? Your total will be exactly $100
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2023/04/16(日) 21:10:07.35
get rid of ,dispose of ,throw away(out) ,dump

I can't get rid of this cold
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2023/05/01(月) 19:36:26.00
Could you exchange(break) a hundred dollar bill ?
What about payment ?
Does this price include service charges ?
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2023/05/14(日) 17:31:10.33
If that's the case,I'll pass.
Are you available now?
Unfortunately,I'm not available right now.
(Does it)make sense? That makes sense. It doesn't make sense.
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2023/06/11(日) 15:03:08.53
I'd like to check (in) my baggage ?
Where can I check (in) my stuff ?
Can I leave my baggage with you ?
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2023/10/30(月) 21:33:16.22
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2023/11/08(水) 10:52:26.78
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2023/11/14(火) 18:14:19.25
About ten minutes or so.
How does that work? Tell me.
You can't charge me for the fare.
You've got to be kidding me? Are you serious right now?
That sounds crazy.
That's enough now.
Is there any way I can persuade you to let me.
What's your price?
Ok,you've got a deal.
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2023/11/16(木) 16:51:54.22
Have you been waiting for a taxi long?
Not for that long. About ten minutes or so.

It's a nice day as well,isn't it?
Yeah. Absolutely.

I don't want to jinx it,but it seems like summer might finally be arriving.
Yeah,I sure hope so.

Is this your first time in Hawaii?
Yeah,yes it is.

Would I be right in guessing that it's your first time in a Waikiki taxi?
Yes,that's right. You guessed it.

Then that means I need to tell you about our tradition that
us Waikiki taxi drivers have got.
I don't know if you've ever heard about it,but this is a very old tradition.
The taxi drivers has to give her the oppourtunity to have a free ride.

Can you take me to Alamoana please.
I was in awe of your body.
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2023/11/17(金) 10:51:13.53
Hi,where to love?
Can you take me to Ala Moana please?
Yeah,jump in.
Sure,thank you.
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2024/01/28(日) 16:26:18.80
I feel for you
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2024/02/21(水) 08:06:30.89
It's a safe bet that 〜 間違いなくthat以下になる
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2024/03/18(月) 09:02:43.99
I'm out = I'll pass
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2024/03/23(土) 16:07:56.74
In case you haven't noticed
Well, everybody's tired
And healing from somebody or somethin' we don't see just right
Boy come on put your lipstick on
Come on and walk this way through the fire
And if you find yourself in a dark situation
Just turn on your light and be like
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2024/04/05(金) 14:37:19.97
Say that shit with your chest,and
Be your own fuckin' best friend
Say that shit with your chest
Keep moving like "What's next?"

Now, I'm so done with caring
What you think,no I won't hide
Underneath your own projections
Or change my most authentic life
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2024/06/06(木) 16:27:39.96
I'm surprised that you should feel so upset.
It's strange that she should call us at 2 in the morning.
It's only natural that students should lose concentration in this heat.
If the travel agent should phone,tell him I want to change the date of my flight.
If it should rain,we'll hold the event indoors.
If you should change your mind,do let me know.
If you should need to cancel,make sure you do so at least 24 hours
before arrival date.
If you should fail your driving test,you can take it again within a month.
