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0299c⌒っミ `Д)っφ ◆CAkku3YStU (かぶらずし)
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87 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/09(月) 18:05:06.97 ID:7z3sJk2k0

2ch and BBSPINK need an API update.

Old method (http://www.monazilla.org/index.php?e=205):
Login and password -> futen.cgi
futen.cgi -> SID
sid -> offlaw.cgi
offlaw.cgi -> archived data

New method:
Login and password -> futen.cgi
futen.cgi -> SID
sid -> rokka.bbspink.com / rokka.2ch.net
rokka.bbspink.com -> archived data

Example of new method:


http://rokka.<;SITENAME>.<COM or NET>/<SERVER NAME>/<BOARD NAME>/<DAT NUMBER>/<OPTIONS>&amp;raw=0.0&amp;sid=<SID>

Sid length = 192 characters

Currently BBSPINK archived dat is enabled. 2CH archived dat is disabled. After a couple of days, then 2CH archived dat will be enabled.

Thank you. If you have any questions, please ask me.
0300c⌒っミ `Д)っφ ◆CAkku3YStU (かぶらずし)
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88 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/09(月) 18:05:43.77 ID:7z3sJk2k0
See this .txt file for a better example:

89 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/09(月) 18:25:14.46 ID:7z3sJk2k0
Error codes:
inputError = "Error 8008135"
authenticationError = "Error 69"
urlError = "Error 666"
timeLimitError = "Error 420"

90 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/09(月) 18:26:41.58 ID:7z3sJk2k0
Here is a SID that you can use to test it. This SID has a 24 hour timelimit.


91 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/09(月) 19:16:43.35 ID:7z3sJk2k0
Please use the SID from post 90 to test.
0301c⌒っミ `Д)っφ ◆CAkku3YStU (かぶらずし)
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107 名前:水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm :2013/09/10(火) 02:05:17.63 ID:lT7zOihZ0
Hi, I'm a auxiliary developer for 2channel browser 'twintail'.
I've examed new nethod to get past-log from rokka.bbspink.com then I found some minor problems.
1) rokka does not receive UrlEncoded SID and returns 'Error69'.
Usually parameters of QueryString should be UrlEncoded, Maru did.
So most of 2channel browsers send UrlEncoded SID, then it will be failed.
But rokka returns Error69 which is authentication eroor, developers would confuse.
Please make it to allow receive UrlEndoed SID.
2) The request URL is not standard format.
Standard QueryString format is http://server/?<;1st key>=<1sr parm>&<2nd key>=<2nd parm>....
But rokka does not use '?'. This makes also developers confusing.
Please make it to allow receive standard QueryString.
3) On received dat, 1st line is "rokka.com\n'.
dats from 2channel has no such line. This makes imcompatibility fo dats.
Please eliminate it.

108 名前:水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm :2013/09/10(火) 02:58:09.12 ID:lT7zOihZ0
One more problem,
4) rokka will never return GZiped content even the url specifies 'raw=0.0' which means requesting dat with GZip compressed.
The response header did not contain 'GZip' so http clients should process the content as not GZiped,
but some browser assumes content is GZiped 'cause the url has 'raw=0.0'.
Please maki it working correctly.

109 名前:xerxes.maido3.net:2013/09/10(火) 07:47:58.33 ID:Ns+CbHYH0
0302c⌒っミ `Д)っφ ◆CAkku3YStU (かぶらずし)
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111 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 09:18:05.24 ID:XOw7rlKd0
Thank you. I will fix these problems today.

112 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2013/09/10(火) 14:46:52.80 ID:WSo0Q+by0
Apparently <OPTIONS> doesn't work.

113 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 16:11:41.53 ID:XOw7rlKd0
1) Rokka can now receive encoded URLs
2) The request URL is now standard format.
3) I removed "rokka.bbspink.net" from the first line
4) It will now properly return gzipped pages if raw=0.0 is set.

This is the format for URLS now:

Options work correctly. Some standard options:

If anyone has any more questions or suggestions for improvement, please tell me right away.

114 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 16:14:30.15 ID:XOw7rlKd0
I updated http://stream.bbspink.com/update.txt
It now has the correct format for rokka requests.

Here is another test SID you can use for testing. It will expire in 5 days.

0303c⌒っミ `Д)っφ ◆CAkku3YStU (かぶらずし)
垢版 |
115 名前:水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm :2013/09/10(火) 18:40:14.20 ID:lT7zOihZ0
UrlEncoded and standard, Error69. should be accepted

non-UrlEncoded and standard, success

non-UrlEncoded and non-standard, Error69. could be accepted because Maru could accept this non-standard and some browser would send this.

UrlEncoded and non-standard, Error69. could be accepted because Maru could accept this non-standard and some browser would send this.

Please make it accept all of above.

3) Fine. But it is a little hard to branch error condition.
If the server responded with follwoing status code, it made (me) clear.
inputError = "Error 8008135"    404 Not Found    what does "input" mean ?
authenticationError = "Error 69"  401 Unauthorized  this should be returned only when SID is invalid
                     or 400 Bad Request  because when 401 has been received, IE will open athentication dialog(not sure)
urlError = "Error 666"         400 Bad Request  this should be returned in case of 1)2)
timeLimitError = "Error 420"     401 Unauthorized  if Error420 means SID expired
If there are some difficulties to send status code in response header, you can use 1st line for indiccating those errors,
and 'Success' which is fixed static string to make detection easily.
I don't have any raw dat response from Maru but I found my old program-code skiped 1st line.
Did Maru return error or success code in 1st line? It can't know now, either.

4) Fine.
With 'raw=0.0' , response header contains "gzip" and content is gzipped correctly.
Without 'raw=0.0' , response header does not contains "gzip" and content is plane text.
0305c⌒っミ `Д)っφ ◆CAkku3YStU (かぶらずし)
垢版 |
116 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2013/09/10(火) 20:00:32.38 ID:WSo0Q+by0
I'm sorry. I made a mistake.
I expected Rokka to return data beginning with 20 when a browser requested as "20-".
But it returned data beginning with post 1.
Please don't make the data contain post 1 when the option is specified unless it is necessary.
Although post 1 is useful for humans, it is harmful for programs.

117 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 21:56:16.67 ID:XOw7rlKd0
Thank you for your advice. I will fix Rokka now. Please wait an hour or two then try again.

118 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 22:11:45.14 ID:XOw7rlKd0
1. UrlEncoded and standard, Error69. should be accepted
I made a mistake and forgot to call the urlDecode function. It is fixed now and working correctly.

2. non-UrlEncoded and standard, success
It works

3 and 4
I dont think the non-standard URL is good. The '?' is better than the '&'.

Old maru returned a success code on first line. Should I add this?

Please have a look at this page: http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ogefin/1181900883/20-
Using '20-' will return the first post and every post after the #20.

119 名前:水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm :2013/09/10(火) 22:39:26.41 ID:lT7zOihZ0
1. Confirmed.
2. Confirmed.
3. It's OK. We should comply with standard.

> Old maru returned a success code on first line. Should I add this?
Now I got it why my old code skipped 1st line.
Let's define and declare usage of 1st line of archieved dat;
1st line indicates processed status of the server.
"Success"  - The process has successfuly done. Following lines are achieved message with dat format(name<>email<>datetime<>body<>[title]).
"Error XXX" - The process has not succeeded. XXX is error code.

> If the server responded with follwoing status code, it made (me) clear.
> inputError = "Error 8008135"    404 Not Found    what does "input" mean ?
> :
I mean '404 not found''401 Unauthorized' are status field in server response header, not in response text.
If confuguring server were difficult, forget abut it and return original (your 1st issue) error text.
Because now we can use 1st line of response text to indicate status. It's not nessesary to use status field in response header.
0306c⌒っミ `Д)っφ ◆CAkku3YStU (かぶらずし)
垢版 |
120 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 23:13:10.83 ID:XOw7rlKd0

>If confuguring server were difficult, forget abut it and return original (your 1st issue) error text.

>"Success"  - The process has successfuly done. Following lines are achieved message with dat format(name<>email<>datetime<>body<>[title]).
>"Error XXX" - The process has not succeeded. XXX is error code.

If there are any more suggestions, please tell me. I can fix it immediately.

121 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 23:18:48.51 ID:XOw7rlKd0
I have an error with the "Success". Please wait, I will fix it.

122 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 23:21:54.52 ID:XOw7rlKd0
Okay, the "success" is fixed. Please try now.

123 名前:水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm :2013/09/10(火) 23:25:01.23 ID:lT7zOihZ0

124 名前:C ◆Odemonkey. :2013/09/10(火) 23:43:15.38 ID:XOw7rlKd0
Approximately when will your app update to work with the new Rokka system?

125 名前:水玉(Mizutama) ◆qHK1vdR8FRIm :2013/09/11(水) 00:00:14.04 ID:BMs3arUN0
'Success' confirmed.
'Error 699' from http://rokka.bbspink.com/pele/erobbs/1285357421/&;raw=0.0&sid=......
699? not 666??
'Error 699' from http://rokka.bbspink.com/pele/erobbs/1285357421/&;raw=0.0&sid=Monazilla/3.00:437... could be 69
'Error 699' from http://rokka.bbspink.com/pele/erobbs/1285357421/&;raw=0.0&sid=Monazilla/2.00:123456789048z3710L4... should be 69
'Error 699' from http://rokka.bbspink.com/pele/erobbs/1285357421/&;raw=0.0&sid= sid post at 90 should be 420

I am not a author of the browser, just help debugging the browser.
After this session, I'll tell her which code should be changed.
To do this, I'll published my customized version for the evidence after this session.
I guss public version will published a couple of days later after 2chan system has changed to Rokka system.
