有言実行三姉妹シュシュトリアン Part6

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001名無しより愛をこめて (ワッチョイ b62a-bBNo [])
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2018/04/24(火) 12:45:33.58ID:ro5lMh8I0
VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvvvvv:1000:512:----: EXT was configured
0002名無しより愛をこめて (スップ Sd72-lfQb [])
垢版 |
2018/04/24(火) 12:51:32.79ID:6lAchvdkd




0003名無しより愛をこめて (スップ Sd92-m5QP [])
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2018/04/24(火) 12:54:14.23ID:iGOlurScd

大塚仁:パチンコ店 客
高野信:パチンコ店 客

・荒木、加納、篠山が血液型占いに使った本は「恋と性格 ハッピー血液型占い109」

「あなたの心が知りたいのLOVE ホンネ器」(公式あらすじではホンネ機)
垢版 |
2018/04/24(火) 13:57:27.97ID:r1t1yAHt0
onald J. Trump defines the American success story. Throughout his life he has continually set the standards of business
and entrepreneurial excellence, especially in real estate, sports, and entertainment. Mr. Trump built on his success in
private life when he entered into politics and public service. He remarkably won the Presidency in his first ever run for any political office.
A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance, Mr. Trump followed in
his father’s footsteps into the world of real estate development, making his mark New York City.
There, the Trump name soon became synonymous with the most prestigious of addresses in Manhattan and, subsequently, throughout the world.
Mr. Trump is also an accomplished author. He has written more than fourteen bestsellers. His first book, The Art of the Deal, is considered a business classic.
Mr. Trump announced his candidacy for the Presidency on June 16, 2015. He then accepted the
Republican nomination for President of the United States in July of 2016, having defeated seventeen other contenders during the Republican primaries.
On November 8, 2016, Mr. Trump was elected President in the largest Electoral College landslide for a Republican in 28 years.
Mr. Trump won more than 2,600 counties nationwide, the most since President Ronald Reagan in 1984. And he received
the votes of more than 62 million Americans, the most ever for a Republican candidate. These voters, in delivering a truly
national victory and historic moment, rallied behind Mr. Trump’s commitment to rebuilding our country and disrupting the political status quo that had failed to deliver results.
Mr. Trump won, in part, because he campaigned in places Republicans have had difficulty winning?Flint, Michigan, charter
schools in inner-city Cleveland, and Hispanic churches in Florida. He went there because he wanted to bring his message of economic empowerment to all Americans. Millions of new Republicans trusted Mr. Trump with their vote because of
his commitment to delivering prosperity through a reformed tax code, an improved regulatory environment, and better trade deals. President Trump’s victory has brought Americans of all backgrounds together, and he is committed to delivering
results for the Nation every day he serves in office.
President Trump has been married to his wife, Melania, for twelve years, and they are parents to their son, Barron. Mr. Trump also has four adult children, Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany, as well as nine grandchildren.
Learn more about First Lady Melania Trump here.
Donald Trump’s Birthday
Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York.
Net Worth
Donald Trump’s Birthday
Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York.
Net Worth
According to a September 2017 Forbes estimate, Donald Trump’s net worth is $3.1 billion. Of that, $1.6 billion is in New York
real estate; $570 million is in golf clubs and resorts; $500 million is in non-New York real estate; $290 million is in cash and personal assets; and $200 million is in brand businesses. That’s
down from $3.7 billion in 2016, according to Fortune, mostly due to declining New York real estate values.
Over the years, Trump’s net worth has been a subject of public debate. In 1990, Trump asserted his own net worth in
the neighborhood of $1.5 billion. However the real estate market was in decline, reducing the value of and income from
Trump's empire; a Forbes magazine investigation into his assets revealed that his existing debt likely brought the number closer
垢版 |
2018/04/24(火) 13:58:34.25ID:r1t1yAHt0
onald John Trump was born in Queens, New York, on June 14, 1946. His father, Fred Trump, was a highly successful real
estate developer. The elder Trump was of German heritage, and his wife, Mary McLeod, of Scottish background.
Their son Donald was the second youngest of five children.

Donald Trump entered the New York Military Academy at age 13 and, at 21, graduated from the Wharton School of
Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania. He was drawn at once into real estate and construction. Fred Trump stepped down as official head of his firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son, and it was renamed the Trump Organization.
Donald Trump’s early projects in real estate were achieved in close concert with his father. He shifted the company’s focus toward Manhattan. In the late 1970s, when many were despairing of the future of New York City, Donald Trump achieved what
he considered his first major success by transforming the old Commodore Hotel, adjoining Grand Central Station, into a new Grand Hyatt Hotel.

The most famous of his projects is the 58-story Trump Tower, on New York’s Fifth Avenue, opened in 1983 and where
Trump has lived since 1984. With Der Scutt as architect, the glass-walled building, which includes retail, residential, and commercial space, has become a symbol of Trump and his career. As his business life unfolded, he became involved
with a myriad of projects, including hotels, residential and commercial buildings, and casinos in America and abroad, as well as beauty pageants and sports endeavors. His first of many books was The Art of the Deal, published in 1987. Trump’s
fame increased when he launched still another career in 2004 as star of The Apprentice (later The Celebrity Apprentice). Produced in a studio in Trump Tower, the series was widely viewed and aired on NBC until Donald Trump decided to run for president of the United States, which he announced in June 2015.

Trump defeated more than a dozen rivals to win the Republican nomination. After three televised debates with his
Democratic opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and one of the most intense and rancorous presidential campaigns in American history, he won the election held on November 8, 2016. Historically Donald Trump would become the
first president to be elected without experience in the military or in political office?he cited this aspect of his biography
as a virtue that would help him to “drain the swamp” in Washington?as well as the fifth president to have prevailed without a popular vote plurality.

Early on the morning after election night, in New York City, with his three sons, two daughters, and wife Melania at his side,
the president-elect told his supporters, “Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division . . . to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. . . .
I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance
and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.” He went on to say, “As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men
and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family.”
垢版 |
2018/04/24(火) 13:59:20.38ID:r1t1yAHt0
President Trump relishes his reputation as a savvy dealmaker. “Deals are my art form,” he once tweeted.
“Other people paint beautifully or write poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals.” He promised during the 2016 campaign that if elected, he would work with politicians and foreign leaders to make “smart deals for the country.”
But since he took office there has been precious little evidence of Trump’s vaunted dealmaking prowess. Such successes as his administration has been able to claim have generally been accomplished without his direct involvement?and sometimes in spite of it.

There is, though, one obvious piece of evidence from the president’s political career that suggests his dealmaking reputation might be
deserved after all: the relationship he has with evangelical political leaders. He has lavished them with attention and let them bask in his celebrity star-power, things that they, long feeling like outsiders
in American culture and politics,
have badly craved. In exchange, they have thrown him their support?unconditional
support, by all appearances?and with it, the backing of a political constituency vital to his success at the polls.

In The Faith of Donald J. Trump, authors David Brody and Scott Lamb provide an in-depth look at the relationship between
the president and American evangelicals. Brody and Lamb?respectively a newscaster
with Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and a vice president at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University?have written what they dub a “spiritual biography,” even though they come right out and say they have no intention of
answering the question of whether
Trump is a Christian. Instead, they hope to convey his faith through his actions.

In the process, though, Brody and Lamb inadvertently expose the corruption and moral vacuity of the political evangelical movement in the United States.

Trump only started paying attention to evangelicals once he began to consider running for president?some five or more years before the 2016 campaign. He made a show of cozying up to evangelical
pastors who write books that usually don’t sell well outside their own congregations. He reached out to the prosperity-gospel heretic Paula White and flattered her. He asked questions of other religious leaders.

As his ambitions grew, Trump cannily cultivated relationships with evangelicals, and they convinced themselves that those relationships must be sincere since they began before he openly started campaigning for
the presidency. Once he did start openly campaigning, the outreach
only became more intensive. As Brody and Lamb report, Trump would seek out the preachers to sit next to at events. He would bring his mother’s Bible to meetings to show it off. Evangelicals fell for it. So
deluded and distracted are they by the trappings of power, they do not even see what Brody and Lamb see. “He’s the P. T. Barnum of the 21st century,” an anonymous banker in the book
says of Donald Trump. These evangelical leaders have yet to realize that they are the suckers.
垢版 |
2018/04/24(火) 13:59:51.49ID:r1t1yAHt0
Brody and Lamb’s book highlights everything wrong with the morphing of American evangelicalism into a post-Jesus cult of personality looking for salvation delivered by politicians?including its hypocrisy and sophistry regarding Trump and morality. The authors quote one evangelical
leader saying that evangelicals’ relationship with the president is authentic, not transactional. But a few chapters earlier, the same individual described a conference call he led with the Trump campaign’s evangelical advisers just after the release of the Access Hollywood tape in which
Trump bragged about assaulting women. During that call, “all of us agreed to stand behind the candidate.” After all, Trump “had sacrificed his entire life, in my viewpoint, and supported us. How could we not support him?”

We can wink-wink at Trump’s misdeeds because he does good things for us. The authors actually write that “when assessing the faith of Donald Trump, the significance of the Neil Gorsuch nomination cannot be underestimated.” Really? That is essential to assessing
Trump’s faith? More than his sexual proclivities and adulteries, which are barely touched upon in the book? In a few spots in the book, the authors blame American culture for Trump’s sexual ethics, and in one passage, they even find a way to implicate evangelicals in Trump’s sexual behavior.
Follow the twisted logic: First, Brody and Lamb quote another biographer who says that “Clint Eastwood, James Bond, and Hugh Hefner” are the figures who dominate Trump’s self-image. Then we are told that Trump boasted about being a womanizer roughly around the same time that
Pierce Brosnan’s first James Bond movie came out. And who do we have to thank for Bond’s having a place in Trump’s mind? “Americans?including evangelicals?fund these culture-shaping products with their book purchases and ticket sales.” So if you’ve ever
seen a Bond movie, you’ve contributed to the culture that made Trump Trump.

More egregiously, in another passage the authors suggest that Trump’s rapacious libido is just his misguided quest for God. I wish I were kidding.
The authors prominently quote a character from a 1944 Bruce Marshall novel: “I still prefer to believe that sex is a substitute for religion and that the young man who rings the bell at the brothel is unconsciously looking for God.” Brody and Lamb’s book was printed before
the appearance of press reports about Trump having had sex with a porn star around the time his wife was giving birth to their son, but one gets the sense that the authors of The Faith of Donald Trump and the evangelical casuists they
quote would have no trouble spinning that infidelity as something unimportant or, in a roundabout way, even admirable.

When not justifying or shifting blame for Trump’s sexual escapades, the authors turn to anonymous sources to assure us that Donald Trump’s heart is not bent on greed. “These off-the-record friendly interviewees sense that
Trump’s ambition stems from a deep-rooted need to command respect.” It is certainly true that he enjoys receiving praise and respect?including from the book’s authors. One five-page chapter recounts a lunch at the Polo Bar in New York City
with one of the authors (Brody), his wife, and Trump. George Lucas, Ralph Lauren, and Michael J. Fox all come to Trump’s table to genuflect. Trump then brags to Oprah that he is meeting with the Christian Broadcasting Network. The chapter ends. Time and again
the authors boast about their access to Trump, giving away the game of just how Mean Girls evangelicalism has become.

While the authors praise Trump for his supposed authenticity in being willing to meet with them, Mitt Romney is criticized for talking to evangelical leaders through conference calls and national meetings: “Past Republican nominees like Mitt Romney
0026名無しより愛をこめて (オッペケ Sr27-FuZp [])
垢版 |
2018/04/24(火) 14:51:25.08ID:5D2mTmAxr
垢版 |
2018/04/25(水) 13:37:50.49
垢版 |
2018/04/25(水) 13:39:11.30
欺をする峯岸原事故”で大ピ莉乃、“放送ンスタチ!? 運営ッフが「指阪HKT48・桐指蔭 センバツ優勝おめでとう宣言通り総選挙辞退の山本、辞める
熱かくな湯始まる【指原北野瑠華ちゃんのおっぱいちゃめっでって風み呂つんか「去年はあと2,000票で80位入賞をのがしたHKT SSAコンサートで者
」って何者なん同じ首の無いデブでも何で大場美奈は愛されるのに渚沙坂口は愛されない運営ってAKB終わらせようとしてない16期研究生 田口愛佳「
年齢が高い男の方と苦手の握手がで笑顔になれません」片親のメンバーを推したい 「ヲタの負担が増えるから総選挙を辞退する、投票を頼めない」っ
ばかり峯岸みなみいるおでかけ見て泣きそうになったわNMB5期人気落ちる各グループの、虐めっ子 虐められっ子なぎちゃんが作ったパンド券が関
0031名無しより愛をこめて (スッップ Sd42-kxHn [])
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 12:25:58.34ID:tkb477Hfd
第37話「恐竜の卵」 脚本:浦沢義雄 監督:坂本太郎


ETおばさんは、ストリートバスケットにしようという。無制限20点勝負。シュシュトリアン VS ETチーム。審判は妖怪ヘリクツ
0032名無しより愛をこめて (スッップ Sd42-kxHn [])
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 12:27:01.37ID:tkb477Hfd
第38話「チーズになった月」 脚本:浦沢義雄 監督:三ツ村鐵治


月子は逃げて、大学生は追う。ピザ屋がフライパンで大学生を叩いて気絶させる。ピザ屋は宇宙人(宇宙ピザチェーン店 店主)の正体を現す
0033名無しより愛をこめて (スップ Sd42-lFJ4 [])
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 12:29:19.83ID:q5AP7UqOd



0035名無しより愛をこめて (スップ Sd42-lFJ4 [])
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 12:31:42.89ID:q5AP7UqOd
カラッと白亜紀 おいしさジュラ紀

カラッと白亜紀 おいしさジュラ紀

なぜか新鮮 恐竜の卵
0036名無しより愛をこめて (スップ Sd42-lFJ4 [])
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 12:32:37.46ID:q5AP7UqOd
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 17:11:04.42ID:jKSA4/Rr0
“Other people paint beautifully or write poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals.” He promised during the 2016 campaign that if elected, he would work with politicians and foreign leaders to make “smart deals for the country.”
But since he took office there has been precious little evidence of Trump’s vaunted dealmaking prowess. Such successes as his administration has been able to claim have generally been accomplished without his direct involvement?and sometimes in spite of it.

There is, though, one obvious piece of evidence from the president’s political career that suggests his dealmaking reputation might be
deserved after all: the relationship he has with evangelical political leaders. He has lavished them with attention and let them bask in his celebrity star-power, things that they, long feeling like outsiders
in American culture and politics,
have badly craved. In exchange, they have thrown him their support?unconditional
support, by all appearances?and with it, the backing of a political constituency vital to his success at the polls.

In The Faith of Donald J. Trump, authors David Brody and Scott Lamb provide an in-depth look at the relationship between
the president and American evangelicals. Brody and Lamb?respectively a newscaster
with Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and a vice president at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University?have written what they dub a “spiritual biography,” even though they come right out and say they have no intention of
answering the question of whether
Trump is a Christian. Instead, they hope to convey his faith through his actions.

In the process, though, Brody and Lamb inadvertently expose the corruption and moral vacuity of the political evangelical movement in the United States.

Trump only started paying attention to evangelicals once he began to consider running for president?some five or more years before the 2016 campaign. He made a show of cozying up to evangelical
pastors who write books that usually don’t sell well outside their own congregations. He reached out to the prosperity-gospel heretic Paula White and flattered her. He asked questions of other religious leaders.

As his ambitions grew, Trump cannily cultivated relationships with evangelicals, and they convinced themselves that those relationships must be sincere since they began before he openly started campaigning for
the presidency. Once he did start openly campaigning, the outreach
only became more intensive. As Brody and Lamb report, Trump would seek out the preachers to sit next to at events. He would bring his mother’s Bible to meetings to show it off. Evangelicals fell for it. So
deluded and distracted are they by the trappings of power, they do not even see what Brody and Lamb see. “He’s the P. T. Barnum of the 21st century,” an anonymous banker in the book
says of Donald Trump. These evangelical leaders have yet to realize that they are the suckers
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 17:12:45.62ID:jKSA4/Rr0
onald J. Trump defines the American success story. Throughout his life he has continually set the standards of business
and entrepreneurial excellence, especially in real estate, sports, and entertainment. Mr. Trump built on his success in
private life when he entered into politics and public service. He remarkably won the Presidency in his first ever run for any political office.
A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance, Mr. Trump followed in
his father’s footsteps into the world of real estate development, making his mark New York City.
There, the Trump name soon became synonymous with the most prestigious of addresses in Manhattan and, subsequently, throughout the world.
Mr. Trump is also an accomplished author. He has written more than fourteen bestsellers. His first book, The Art of the Deal, is considered a business classic.
Mr. Trump announced his candidacy for the Presidency on June 16, 2015. He then accepted the
Republican nomination for President of the United States in July of 2016, having defeated seventeen other contenders during the Republican primaries.
On November 8, 2016, Mr. Trump was elected President in the largest Electoral College landslide for a Republican in 28 years.
Mr. Trump won more than 2,600 counties nationwide, the most since President Ronald Reagan in 1984. And he received
the votes of more than 62 million Americans, the most ever for a Republican candidate. These voters, in delivering a truly
national victory and historic moment, rallied behind Mr. Trump’s commitment to rebuilding our country and disrupting the political status quo that had failed to deliver results.
Mr. Trump won, in part, because he campaigned in places Republicans have had difficulty winning?Flint, Michigan, charter
schools in inner-city Cleveland, and Hispanic churches in Florida. He went there because he wanted to bring his message of economic empowerment to all Americans. Millions of new Republicans trusted Mr. Trump with their vote because of
his commitment to delivering prosperity through a reformed tax code, an improved regulatory environment, and better trade deals. President Trump’s victory has brought Americans of all backgrounds together, and he is committed to delivering
results for the Nation every day he serves in office.
President Trump has been married to his wife, Melania, for twelve years, and they are parents to their son, Barron. Mr. Trump also has four adult children, Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany, as well as nine grandchildren.
Learn more about First Lady Melania Trump here.
Donald Trump’s Birthday
Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York.
Net Worth
Donald Trump’s Birthday
Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York.
Net Worth
According to a September 2017 Forbes estimate, Donald Trump’s net worth is $3.1 billion. Of that, $1.6 billion is in New York
real estate; $570 million is in golf clubs and resorts; $500 million is in non-New York real estate; $290 million is in cash and personal assets; and $200 million is in brand businesses. That’s
down from $3.7 billion in 2016, according to Fortune, mostly due to declining New York real estate values.
Over the years, Trump’s net worth has been a subject of public debate. In 1990, Trump asserted his own net worth in
the neighborhood of $1.5 billion. However the real estate market was in decline, reducing the value of and income from
Trump's empire; a Forbes magazine investigation into his assets revealed that his existing debt likely brought the number closer
垢版 |
2018/05/01(火) 17:14:48.89ID:jKSA4/Rr0
Brody and Lamb’s book highlights everything wrong with the morphing of American evangelicalism into a post-Jesus cult of personality looking for salvation delivered by politicians?including its hypocrisy and sophistry regarding Trump and morality. The authors quote one evangelical
leader saying that evangelicals’ relationship with the president is authentic, not transactional. But a few chapters earlier, the same individual described a conference call he led with the Trump campaign’s evangelical advisers just after the release of the Access Hollywood tape in which
Trump bragged about assaulting women. During that call, “all of us agreed to stand behind the candidate.” After all, Trump “had sacrificed his entire life, in my viewpoint, and supported us. How could we not support him?”

We can wink-wink at Trump’s misdeeds because he does good things for us. The authors actually write that “when assessing the faith of Donald Trump, the significance of the Neil Gorsuch nomination cannot be underestimated.” Really? That is essential to assessing
Trump’s faith? More than his sexual proclivities and adulteries, which are barely touched upon in the book? In a few spots in the book, the authors blame American culture for Trump’s sexual ethics, and in one passage, they even find a way to implicate evangelicals in Trump’s sexual behavior.
Follow the twisted logic: First, Brody and Lamb quote another biographer who says that “Clint Eastwood, James Bond, and Hugh Hefner” are the figures who dominate Trump’s self-image. Then we are told that Trump boasted about being a womanizer roughly around the same time that
Pierce Brosnan’s first James Bond movie came out. And who do we have to thank for Bond’s having a place in Trump’s mind? “Americans?including evangelicals?fund these culture-shaping products with their book purchases and ticket sales.” So if you’ve ever
seen a Bond movie, you’ve contributed to the culture that made Trump Trump.

More egregiously, in another passage the authors suggest that Trump’s rapacious libido is just his misguided quest for God. I wish I were kidding.
The authors prominently quote a character from a 1944 Bruce Marshall novel: “I still prefer to believe that sex is a substitute for religion and that the young man who rings the bell at the brothel is unconsciously looking for God.” Brody and Lamb’s book was printed before
the appearance of press reports about Trump having had sex with a porn star around the time his wife was giving birth to their son, but one gets the sense that the authors of The Faith of Donald Trump and the evangelical casuists they
quote would have no trouble spinning that infidelity as something unimportant or, in a roundabout way, even admirable.

When not justifying or shifting blame for Trump’s sexual escapades, the authors turn to anonymous sources to assure us that Donald Trump’s heart is not bent on greed. “These off-the-record friendly interviewees sense that
Trump’s ambition stems from a deep-rooted need to command respect.” It is certainly true that he enjoys receiving praise and respect?including from the book’s authors. One five-page chapter recounts a lunch at the Polo Bar in New York City
with one of the authors (Brody), his wife, and Trump. George Lucas, Ralph Lauren, and Michael J. Fox all come to Trump’s table to genuflect. Trump then brags to Oprah that he is meeting with the Christian Broadcasting Network. The chapter ends. Time and again
the authors boast about their access to Trump, giving away the game of just how Mean Girls evangelicalism has become.

While the authors praise Trump for his supposed authenticity in being willing to meet with them, Mitt Romney is criticized for talking to evangelical leaders through conference calls and national meetings: “Past Republican nominees like Mitt Romney
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
