
292 可愛い奥様 (スププ Sda2-ASFE) sage 2019/04/05(金) 23:33:55.54 ID:oD5qwA/Sd

I agreed with what you guys said about how someone that can jump well shouldn't be automatically rewarded with high component scores,
but that's exactly what happened with Nathan + inflated GOE too. How can you then say that he's the GOAT? Isn't it hypocritical? 🤔

Can you explain to me how Nathan is not an artistic skater?

Rather than pointing it out in detail, here is the PC guideline & I based my comment off of the fact that Nathan didn’t hit many of the bullet points, esp. in skating skills & transitions.
I’m curious if you think he deserved the PCS AND GOE that he got from judges & why? Thx.

So here is the problem...I watch Nathan and see him using and executing the points listed. Other people watch and see that he doesn't.
That is the subjective part of this sport and will always remain open to interpretation. Points can made for and against EVERY skater.
Another aspect of artistry is how a performance makes you feel. One person can moved to tears bya performance and another person feels nothing at all.
To state Nathan is not an artistic skater is your OPINION. It happens too often that people state their opinions as fact.
GOE's most certainly are subjective. As well as transitions and skating skills.
The effectivity of both can truly only be felt, not quantified. This why one judge has a skater at. +4 and another at +1 or2.