
The difficulties in relating a cognitive or behavioral phenotype to a specific genotype were indicated by the criticism of Brunner et al. (1993)
leveled by Hebebrand and Klug (1995) that the 'clinical delineation of the phenotype appears so vague that it can be questioned whether it indeed results from the mutation.'
(A similar question existed about the phenotype/karyotype relationships in the XYY 'syndrome.')


'Thus, did the affected males (n = ?) with exhibitionism fulfill the DSM-III-R or DSM-IV criteria for exhibitionism?
What exactly did the individuals do who had a history of voyeurism or arson?
Can it be excluded that some of the 'unaffected' males, who perhaps have a high intelligence level, refused to disclose their socially unacceptable behavior to the interviewer (or other family members)?'
