




I haven’t read or heard that the D-9 was tested with the Jumo 213 and C3 fuel.
I know that at the beginning of development Focke-Wulf made a distinction
between the normal Jumo 213 and the Jumo 213 with 100 octane fuel.
I think that there was not a problem with the engine;
rather there was a problem of the fuel’s availability.
In my book I have published one chart from 3.1.45 (page 154)
showing FW 190 D-9 performance with B4 fuel with MW 50
injection operating at 2,02 ata (Sondernotleistung ).
However, I have no evidence showing that 2,02 ata
was enabled by the end of the war.
I think that the D-9 was flown either with the 1900 PS update or with MW50 injection
(2100 PS).