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2013/01/04(金) 12:23:34.44
(L-9) CAM: Oh, thank you. Thank you, Esmeralda. Yes, I would love to come to your party. I have just addressed *** It's all over paper. And the dearest little, little shells ***
(L-10) CAM: Oh, how so much joy, Esmeralda. Really, you know. It gives me a headache ***. (Mrs. Ramsay が James に話しかけているシーン。)
(L-11) (3'56") LILY BRISCOE: *** must be the subject of fifteens of his own life. Yet threatens us, with oblivion.
(L-12) MRS. RAMDSAY: Lily!
(L-13) LILY BRISCOE: James is like a kite. There's Mrs. Ramsay, holding the other and whispering.
(L-14) MR. RAMSAY: Well, ho, Nancy! Bravo!
(L-15) PRUE(?): James! James! It's your turn to bat!
(L-16) MR. RAMSAY: A day's a-slipping by.
(L-17) CHARLES TANSLEY: Yes, sir, I did hope you might have an opportunity to discuss my dissertation soon.
(L-18) MR. RAMSAY: Time we did, Charles! Time we did.
(L-19) CHARLES TANSLEY: Yes I would value that.
(L-20) MR. RAMSAY: Bravo!
(L-21) AUGUSTUS CARMICHAEL: Is this the last man of whom cricket legend's on me?
(L-22) NANCY: I doubt it.
(L-23) JASPER: *** that!
(L-24) JAMES: I wasn't ready.
(L-25) JASPER: Oh, yes, you were!
(L-26) PRUE: Jasper, you did bowl rather hard.
(L-27) JAMES: I wasn't ready.
(L-28) MR. RAMSAY: Come on, James. Out is out.
(L-29) NANCY: Oh, give him another go.
(L-30) 息子: Yes, I'm all for that.
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(L-31) MR. RAMSAY: James, you are out. (James が怒ってバットを投げ捨てるのを見て) I don't want this little fish. I don't want this little fish in MY net.
(L-31-B) MR. RAMSAY: It's a naughty, naughty little fish. And I don't want HIM for dinner.
(L-32) (5'53") LILY BRISCOE: Hello, Cam.
(L-33) CAM: Hello, Aunt Lily.
(L-34) CHARLES TANSLEY: How was your sketching, Miss Briscoe?
(L-35) LILY BRISCOE: Uh, I wasn't really pleased with my efforts today, I'm afraid, Mr. Tansley.
(L-36) MRS. RAMSAY: You're such a harsh judge of your own talents, Lily dearest.
(L-37) CHARLES TANSLEY: There's never been a major woman artist.
(L-38) LILY BRISCOE: Really?
(L-39) CHARLES TANSLEY: I wish it were not so.
(L-40) LILY BRISCOE: We're not dealing with the matter of "is so" or "is not so." We're discussing your opinions, aren't we?
(L-41) CHARLES TANSLEY: I think there isn't such things as objective truths, an undeniable manifested consensus of thought. Mr. Ramsay, I'm sure, would agree with me.
(L-42) (6'29") LILY BRISCOE: I expect you have a fondness for lists. Best poet, second best poet, third best poet.
(L-43) CHARLES TANSLEY: It's hardly that facile.
(L-44) LILY BRISCOE: Doubtless you have jolly arguments as to who is the best undergraduate of this year.
(L-45) CHARLES TANSLEY: In my year, it was me.
(L-46) ANDREW: Have you seen a shipwreck, Mr. Tansley.
(L-47) CHARLES TANSLEY: Ah, no, Andrew, I haven't.
(L-48) 息子: Come here.
(L-48-B) *** soon, of course.
(L-49) 息子: It's not my sea now.
(L-50) 息子: Even so. You went down that storm.
(L-51) PRUE: Masterly, Mother, dearest!
(L-52) MR. RAMSAY: Let's hope it's fine tomorrow.
(L-53) ANDREW: Why's that, Father?
(L-54) MR. RAMSAY: The tournament, Andrew, the tournament!
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(L-55) MRS. RAMSAY: Come along, James. Not too slow.
(Tournament に参加する若い男たちが、屋外で服を着替えて準備している。)
(L-56) MR. RAMSAY: Caroline, I've had enough of your damn philanthropy. We do less and less together.
(L-56-B) MR. RAMSAY: You write letters to the bereaved relatives and you're fiddling about with your constable. You will accompany me and the children to the tournament.
(L-57) MRS. RAMSAY: Michael, I cannot.
(L-58) MR. RAMSAY: You will not make any of your damn visits today.
(L-59) MRS. RAMSAY: *** is dying. I have to visit him.
(L-60) MR. RAMSAY: Oh, Caroline!
(L-61) CAM(???): *** should be, Mother?
(L-62) MRS. RAMSAY: No. But you must go to the beach today.
(L-63) CAM: *** Father and me.
(L-64) MRS. RAMSAY: Marie, here's one found.
(L-65) 娘: I can't find James. I've looked everywhere.
(L-66) MRS. RAMSAY: Well, look again. The house isn't that big.
(L-67) MILDRED (MAID): They're parting, sir. I thought everyone was finished.
(L-68) CARMICHAEL: A little vice I have.
(L-69) MR. RAMSAY: You hurry up, you confounded children! I should be there by now.
(L-70) 娘: I'm sure ***
(L-71) NANCY: ***
(L-72) PRUE: Don't be such a misery, Nancy, please! Would you rather change places with me, Mr. Tansley? The wrestling isn't really like up to me at all. But I'd love going along with Mother out. People, they're so real.(???)
(L-73) CHARLES TANSLEY: Oh, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Tansley. (二人が歩き始める)Good morning!
(L-73-B) 男性: Good morning, ma'am.
(L-74) MRS. RAMSAY: *** Enjoy yourselves. We're going to the village, Mr. Carmichael. You want anything? Stamps, writing paper? Tobacco?
(L-75) (Augustus Carmichael は答えもしない。Mrs. Ramsay は諦め、Charles Tansley と共に再び歩き始める。)
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To the Lighthouse - 1983 - Kenneth Branagh, Virginia Woolf FULL

(L-76) MRS. RAMSAY: He could have been a great philosopher. He made an unfortunate marriage. Have you come this way before?
(L-77) (10'28") CHARLES TANSLEY: Is it quicker?
(L-78) MRS. RAMSAY: It's prettier. Your predecessor liked it.
(L-79) CHARLES TANSLEY: My what?
(L-80) MRS. RAMSAY: Your predecessor. My husband invites one of his students down here most year. Why, Mr. Tansley, you look quite good.
(L-81) CHARLES TANSLEY: No, no, it's just that I. . . well, I forget there's a pattern everything has.
(L-82) MRS. RAMSAY: We've been coming down here for several years now.
(L-83) CHARLES TANSLEY: Who lived in that house before?
(L-84) MRS. RAMSAY: A mining family. They went bankrupt, I believe. How sad! The house stood unrented for years. Nobody wanted it.
(L-85) (10'57") CHARLES TANSLEY: It's pleasant to have two houses.
(L-86) MRS. RAMSAY: (11'02") You disapprove?
(L-87) CHARLES TANSLEY: Many people in Cornwall don't even have one.
(L-88) CAROLINE TANSLEY: You are our guest, Mr. Tansley. Why, Mr. Tansley, you are tinder-dry. I do believe that you stand out here in the sun for more than an hour. You blow up like a stove just like that. Ha-ha.
(L-89) CHARLES TANSLEY: Mrs. Ramsay, let me carry your basket.
(L-90) 男の子: Come on!
(L-91) MICHAEL TANSLEY: Good morning. Hello, good morning. Have you met my daughters?
(L-92) MAN: No.
(L-93) MICHAEL TANSLEY: Rose, Nancy, and Prue? And these couple of rascals are my sons.
(L-94) MICHAEL RAMSAY: How is it, Mr. DeMorrow. How is your young son of yours doing at the fair, hmmm? He's going to win the belt and bring you glory.
(L-95) MAN: He's got Hawkins to deal with.
(L-96) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Ah, yes, Hawkins.
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(L-97) NANCY: They risk their lives every day. What a hideous sport! They break each other's bodies.
(L-98) PRUE: Well, I don't think it's quite as dangerous as that, Nancy.
(L-99) NANCY: Last year one man broke his back. He's in a wheelchair now. It's an *** poorly ridiculous tragedy.
(L-100) PRUE: Well, it's just the way they are.
(L-101) 小さい息子: It's someone against you.
(L-102) 大きい息子: Next bout. Semi-final, isn't it?
(L-103) 小さい息子: I've got a bed on final. Don't tell Father.
(L-104) 大きい息子: Backing up Sam, are you?
(L-105) 小さい息子: I've got a bed on Mildred.
(L-106) LILY BRISCOE: Paul's coming soon, isn't he, Prue?
(L-107) PRUE: Yes.
(L-108) LILY BRISCOE: We shall see less of you.
(L-109) NANCY: *** train journeys. I'm ??? devotion.
(L-110) WOMAN: Tom, will you come up, please?
(L-111) MAN: The boy should be at the tournament.
(L-112) WOMAN: *** needing me, Walter. And don't you be arguing with that.
(L-113) WOMAN: Tom, Mrs. Ramsay has a word to say.
(L-114) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Tom, you know where I live, don't you? I've told your mother that, if she needs me urgently at any time, just to send you to fetch me.
(L-115) CAROLINE RAMSAY: You must use the back door if it's in the night. It's never locked.
(屋外の wrestling)
(L-116) MAN: Come on, son.
(L-117) MICHAEL RAMSAY: You predicted well, Mr. DeMorrow. Bad luck, Sam.
(L-118) MAN: ***???
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(L-119) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Come around, DeMorrow. Lose like a gentleman.
(L-120) MAN: *** don't have ***
(L-121) PRUE: Have you got your speech ready, Father?
(L-122) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Well, Andrew, what do you think? Does Ham have a fair back or no?
(L-123) ANDREW: I really don't know, Father. I don't know the rules.
(L-124) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Well, you should. This is an important sport of the people here. The least you can do is to try to understand it.
(L-125) ANDREW: Well, tomorrow Jasper and I are playing chess in the garden. How's an end? Hasn't taken any interest in that?
(L-126) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Do you think that's comparable?
(L-127) ANDREW: I'm just giving you my point of view, Father.
(L-128) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Then you're a fool.
(L-129) ANDREW: I suppose HE knows the rules.
(L-130) PRUE: Of course, he does, Andrew. He sat down on the local experts the first summer he came here and found out all about it.
(Michael Ramsay の演説)
(L-131) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I wish only to say that I am honored that you have asked me to present the prizes today. We Ramsays are only swallows, you know, here for the summer.
(L-132) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Indeed, I feel it presumptuous that someone like I should stand here in the place of honor. . .
(L-133) MICHAEL RAMSAY: . . . when there are doubtless others whose roots are deep down in this countryside that I love so much, others far more fitting than I. Thank you. Fred Hawkins.
(L-134) NANCY: He's won again.
(海岸の小道を歩く Caroline Ramsay と Charles Tansley)
(L-135) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I'm sure you'll find this pace most irritating. You like to be in a hurry, don't you, Mr. Tansley?
(L-136) CHARLES TANSLEY: I'm sure I can't still find ***
(L-137) CAROLINE TANSLEY: Have you been home since you've been here?
(L-137-B) CHARLES TANSLEY: Of course not.
(L-137-C) CAROLINE TANSLEY: You've always been happy, though.
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(L-138) (17'52") CHARLES TANSLEY: One DOES feel sometimes on the outside.
(L-139) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I expect you haven't had all the time you would like with Michael. I hope you've been writing regularly to your mother and father.
(L-140) CHARLES TANSLEY: Well, I can.
(L-141) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I shouldn't pry into other people's lives. It's a vice I have.
(L-142) (18'10") CHARLES TANSLEY: And what have you been doing this afternoon, a vice or a virtue? The little boy Tom is rather hostile.
(L-143) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Such fierce pride.
(L-144) CHARLES TANSLEY: On the other side of my family.
(L-145) CAROLINE RAMSAY: So you are.
(L-146) CHARLES TANSLEY: I can't afford to visit much during the term. I and Mrs. McBright, you know. I earn the money to pay for the schooling.
(L-146-B) CHARLES TANSLEY: I earn the money for my own school and all my studies at the university.
(Michael Ramsay の書斎にて)
(L-147) (18'48") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Come in.
(L-148) CHARLES TANSLEY: I brought my dissertation. You said I should at dinner.
(L-149) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Yeah, put it on the desk then.
(L-150) CHARLES TANSLEY: You'll be up through it this evening, will you?
(L-151) MICHAEL TANSLEY: Don't worry, Charles. Off you go.
(L-152) CHARLES TANSLEY: I hope it won't be a trouble to you, sir.
(L-153) MICHAEL TANSLEY: Of course, it's no trouble. I'm a teacher, am I not? I must help my students, mustn't I? How like you I was when I was 25? But I was further on the new R, Charles my boy. You have reached H. I was as far as O.
(L-154) CAROLINE RAMSAY: That was lovely. Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear. I DO feel the lack of any real education on these occasions. Arithmetic, for instance.
(L-155) NANCY: Did you enjoy your walk with the atheist?
(L-156) (20'57") CAROLINE RAMSAY: I wish you wouldn't call him that, Nancy.
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(L-157) NANCY: The Church of England has the vested interest in the perpetuation for the property owning role in France. No God would *** with *** of Bishop.
(L-158) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Ha-ha, you really must show him more respect. Your father has a very high opinion of young Mr. Tansley. Very able. He does say he's very able.
(L-159) NANCY: I'm sick of Aristotles like him. He's a bore -- and a prig. I wish he wasn't here. Next year, don't you think we can come down here and just be on our own?
(L-160) NANCY: Couldn't we do that, just the family? No boring old students or crusty old family friends. No injured birds. Now, Mother, please.
(L-161) (22'00") I don't know who you mean by injured birds, Nancy.
(L-162) NANCY: Yes, you do.
(L-163) CAROLINE RAMSAY: That's enough.
(L-164) MICHAEL RAMSAY: If you wouldn't mind, Nancy, I wish to talk with your mother. You'll strain your eyes, Caroline.
(L-165) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Yes, I must stop soon.
(L-166) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Who are you knitting for now?
(L-167) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Ben Sorley's son. The night housekeeper's son.
(L-168) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I've been trying to work.
(L-169) CAROLINE RAMSAY: It's so noisy out. That's why you can't ***.
(L-170) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Whether they are noisy or not is beside the point. I am unable to work with it. My brain has become an unwilling beast.
(L-171) CAROLINE RAMSAY: That's the retiring day for you, Michael. Leave it. I'm sorry I sounded a wimp.
(L-172) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Your absence was a subject of comment.
(L-173) CAROLINE RAMSAY: The light is gone. Cannot be bothered to have the ***.
(L-174) (24'40") CAROLINE RAMSAY: They don't have the will together.(???) Don't you think, Mr. Carmichael?
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To the Lighthouse - 1983 - Kenneth Branagh, Virginia Woolf FULL

(L-175) (24'40") CARMICHAEL: Always arguing, aren't they?
(L-176) CAROLINE RAMSAY: They're both so serious. Mr. Tansley should be a politician. He would change the world for the better.
(L-177) CAROLINE RAMSAY: And Lily is a source of strength. She would have a studio and he a study. You're not listening, Mr. Carmichael.
(L-178) NANCY: Do you like Charles Tansley?
(L-179) LILY BRISCOE: We have certain problems in common. Do you?
(L-180) NANCY: He's not my type.
(L-181) LILY BRISCOE: What is your type?
(L-182) NANCY: I don't know, Lily.
(L-183) CAM: Come on!
(L-184) NANCY: People say he's too serious. The world isn't a funny place, is it?
(L-185) LILY BRISCOE: It's strange. Your mother believes the world is filled with tragedy but she laughs all day long.
(L-186) NANCY: Mr. Carmichael says it's extraordinary beautiful. Lily, I don't know what that means.
(L-187) LILY BRISCOE: I do. If you could win one, I suspect you choose to be someone other than Nancy Ramsay.
(l-188) NANCY: I'd like to be Marie. She's a long way from home, with foreigners. I'd love to be among them, with secrets.
(L-189) LILY BRISCOE: Don't you?
(L-190) NANCY: No. The Ramsays aren't allowed to have secrets. We're endlessly inspected.
(L-191) LILY BRISCOE: You're much loved. I envy you there.
(L-192) NANCY: Marie had a letter from Switzerland. She read it up in her room. She cried ***
(L-193) (27'21") CAROLINE RAMSAY: Oh, Andrew, quick!
(L-194) JAMES: We'll go soon, won't we, Mother?
(L-195) ANDREW: You write too many letters, Mother.
(L-196) JAMES: Mother, we will go soon.
(L-197) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Where, my dear?
(L-198) JAMES: To the lighthouse.
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2013/01/04(金) 19:27:54.91
(L-199) (28'04") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Oh, dear boy, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Prue wanted to come with me but I thought it best she stay at home.
(L-200) MICHAEL RAMSAY: The evenings are growing chilly this late in the summer. It's lovely here. You'll like it.
(L-201) MICHAEL RAMSAY: When I come down in mid-July, you know, and it's been the summer term. And the year is stuffy. Let me tell you my mind is in a parlor state.
(L-202) MICHAEL RAMSAY: They do say, don't they, you can improve an old clock by putting a piece of cloth in the back with a trace of oil on it. This is my piece of oily clock.
(L-203) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I'm sure you could have persuaded him, dear Brisc.
(L-204) LILLY BRISCOE: Why should I, Mrs. Ramsay? He didn't come to go through invigorating walks. He came to. . . .
(L-205) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Oh, the dissertation. *** I'm glad you two seem to be getting on better than you used to.
(L-206) MICHAEL RAMSAY: We're going to the standing stone, not there.
(L-207) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I'm having a rest.
(L-208) BOY: Base camp.
(L-209) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Come on, children. Base camp.
(L-210) CAROLINE RAMSAY: There. Michael has his expedition.
(L-211) (30'15") LILY BRISCOE: Ah, hello, Mr. Rayley.
(L-212) PAUL RAYLEY:: Am I disturbing you?
(L-213) LILY BRISCOE: Come on, Mr. Rayley, we artists are solitary, you know.
(L-214) PAUL RAYLEY: It's quite marvelous up here, Miss Briscoe. I think that, if I had any ability with the brush, this is where I'd come.
(L-215) LILY BRISCOE: I have no ability.
(L-216) PAUL RAYLEY: Of course, you have.
(L-217) LILY BRISCOE: But I do persist. I'm very stubborn.
(L-218) PAUL RAYLEY: Then perhaps you couldn't not paint even if you wanted to abandon it.
(L-219) LILY BRISCOE: Do you know much about paintings, Mr. Rayley?
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修行の場と感じています。でなければ、Virginia Woolf 関係のビデオを朝から晩まで休むこともなく



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書き取りにあまりにも疲れ切り、しばらく休もうか(つまり書き取りは休んで、Virginia Woolf の
Virginia Woolf の人となりやその作品を深く理解するのに大いに役立つに違いない、
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2013/01/05(土) 06:36:40.46

ありますが、そうすると、すぐに連投規制に引っ掛かって、Virginia Woolf についての文章を

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2013/01/05(土) 09:35:41.31
(L-220) (30'52") PAUL RAYLEY: Well, I go to exhibitions when I can. I'm sure you would find writers' very old hand.(???) I bought a painting last year, as a matter of fact. It's a Grizzly(???) Ford. A view of Richmond.
(L-221) PAUL RAYLEY: I first met Mr. Ramsay in Richmond. He went through *** the Park. We watched the deer.
(L-221-B) LILY BRISCOE: Painting isn't an aide-memoire, is it?
(L-221-C) PAUL RAYLEY: Good day, Miss Briscoe.
(L-222) (31'43") LILY BRISCOE: How can I catch all this. . . landscape? It's a record of men's labor to transform nature. . . to exploit it. It is their handiwork.
(L-223) LILY BRISCOE: I suppose that's why male artists portray convincing me(???). Their fire by their pride of possession. It is all the more lamatore(???) than they think the landscape is feminine.
(Caroline Ramsay が Michael Ramsay の髪を整えている。)
(L-224) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Jasper tells me his feet are sore. He's certain to crack his pace, Michael.
(L-225) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Get an appropriate pair, Caroline. The idiot boy would have canvas shoes. You must give him a decent pair of walking boots.
(L-226) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Support their leather uppers, Caroline -- and a broad fitting.
(L-227) CAROLINE RAMSAY: He'll outgrown them in a year. Michael, how do you find Paul Rayley?
(L-228) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Same as ever, I suppose. Steady but dull. Why?
(L-229) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I think he's come down to propose to our Prue.
(L-230) MICHAL RAMSAY: Oh. I see. What will her answer be, do you think?
(L-231) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Knowing Prue, she will be guided by what WE think.
(L-232) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Would she be happy?
(L-233) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I think they're very much in love.
(L-234) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Perhaps I should raise the matter with him. Isn't that proper to us?
(L-235) CAROLINE RAMSAY: No. I'm sure he will propose.
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(L-236) MICHAEL RAMSAY: If that is what you would have him do, Caroline, then, I'm sure he will. In this house, your wishes command us all.
(L-237) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Another day gone by. Nothing achieved.
(L-238) CAROLINE RAMSAY: You're with your family, Michael.
(L-239) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Consolation prize. I'm sorry.
(L-240) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I know what your reputation is. And the people you invite here -- they speak so highly of you.
(James の部屋)
(L-241) JAMES: Nanny, nanny, there's a burglar!
(L-242) NANNY: It's all right. Shhh. . . . It's *** It's no one. I know it isn't. It's not a burglar, James. ***
(L-243) NANNY: Go back to bed, hein?(たぶんフランス語の "hein")Like a good boy.
(重病だった一家の主人が死ぬ。悲しむその妻を抱擁する Caroline Ramsay。)
(Lily Briscoe の寝室)
(L-244) (35'53") LILY BRISCOE: Why are you here?
(L-245) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I've told you so many times: close doors but open windows. I'm sorry. I've used up all my warm feeling. I feel my face at its edge.
(L-246) LILY BRISCOE: Have you been out?
(L-247) CAROLINE RAMSAY: You know what is the very worst thing? The most awful event I can imagine? That Michael should die before me.
(L-248) LILY BRISCOE: Mr. Ramsay will live to be a hundred.
(L-249) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Well, I hope so. I hope I'll die first. This is a lonely little room.
(L-250) LILY BRISCOE: I like it.
(L-251) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I fear loneliness. That is why we really don't understand one another.
(L-252) LILY BRISCOE: I don't live alone. I have a home, my father. I'm a painter.
(L-253) CAROLINE RAMSAY: There cannot be much to share with your own papa, surely.
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To the Lighthouse - 1983 - Kenneth Branagh, Virginia Woolf FULL

(L-253) (37'21") LILY BRISCOE: As you wish.
(L-254) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I'm actually afraid to be on my own.
(L-255) LILY BRISCOE: I am sometimes.
(L-256) CAROLINE RAMSAY: The other day I was sitting by the French windows in the evening. You know how I like to sit there with James? But I was alone.
(L-257) CAROLINE RAMSAY: The children were all upstairs, in their rooms. You were off. Augustus somewhere. Michael was in town **** of chore away. And so, I sat there.
(L-258) CAROLINE RAMSAY: And, because it was so quiet, there was nothing to distract me. I began to hear the waves on the shore.
(L-259) (ここで "the waves" という言葉が出てきました。誰にとっても "waves" というものは特別な意味を持つのでしょうけど、Virginia Woolf の "The Waves" という作品をこないだ読んだばかりなので、
余計にこの waves という言葉が気になります。この "To the Lighthouse" においても、単数形の wave が 13回、複数形の waves が 18 回も出てきます。)
(L-260) CAROLINE RAMSAY: You know how it is when you begin to hear something. *** it begins to get louder and louder and it really becomes quite insistent.
(L-261) CAROLINE: You wonder how it is but you don't hear it all the time. So, I listened to the rhythm of the waves. Falling -- drawing back, falling again. And it frightened me.
(L-262) (このあたりの Caroline の意識の奥底にあるものの微妙な味わいを噛みしめたいと思います。)
(L-263) CAROLINE: It's foolish, really, but always have the words to rhythms like that.
(L-264) LILY BRISCOE: You can't help it.
(L-265) CAROLINE: The tick of the clock. Wheels of the train. The lighthouse lamp. The wave would fall. And as it drew back, I found myself sane. The Lord have mercy on us. Like that. The wave would fall.
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(L-266) (39'11") CAROLINE: And the Lord have mercy on us. I went to find some company. I remember I found Mildred in the kitchen and I started talking about neck-faced(???) meals.
(L-267) CAROLINE: I can't imagine what she thought had got into me.
(L-268) LILY: Is my situation so different from yours?
(L-269) CAROLINE: Oh, I'll bet it is. Of course, it is.
(L-270) LILY BRISCOE: Why? Because you have children and I do not? Because you have a man always to share your bed and I have none?
(L-272) LILY BRISCOE: But what really do you share, Mrs. Ramsay? You don't cease to be one person, it seems. You don't become half a person, do you?
(L-273) LILY BRISCOE: Do minds open like mouths in a kiss? I don't believe they do. Love can't claim so much.
(L-274) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Poor Lily!
(L-275) LILY BRISCOE: I'm not "poor Lily." You must not say that!
(L-276) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I'm sorry.
(L-277) LILY BRISCOE: Why must you always insist that the likes of me stand shivering outside the gate just because we're not married?
(L-278) LILY BRISCOE: -- just because we don't have a man always to pamper and serve?
(L-279) feministic な考え方を持つ独身の女性画家である Lily Briscoe が、ここでついに "pamper and serve" と言ってしまっている。つい僕は笑っちゃいました。
(L-280) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I do not serve here.
(L-281) LILY BRISCOE: Am I not permitted to be as happy as I am on my own?
(L-282) CAROLINE: Lily, I do assure you I do NOT serve here. This is MY household. And I am in control. When it comes down to it, you know, Michael is but ONE member of the household.
(L-283) LILY BRISCOE: Mrs. Ramsay. . . .
(L-284) CAROLINE RAMSAY: You don't understand.
(L-285) LILY BRISCOE: Suppose he rejected you. . . .
(L-286) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Oh, Lily!
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2013/01/05(土) 12:11:49.58
(L-287) (41'27") LILY BRISCOE: Suppose he did, what then? If he pushed you out the front door and locked it, what then? You would starve.
(L-288) CAROLINE RAMSAY: You don't understand.
(Michael Ramsay が Caroline に対して小言を言っている。)
(L-289) (42'10") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Caroline! I've had enough of your damned philanthropy. We do less and less together.
(L-290) MICHAEL: If you want writing letters to bereaved relatives, and you're fiddling about your account books for the poor and needy, *** making yourself busy.
(L-291) MICHAEL: Caroline, do you understand? We have children who want you to themselves. And there's me. There is misery all around. I know.
(L-292) MICHAEL: Damn it, I knew *** living. And I know his family is destitute. But I also know I cannot care for the whole world, Caroline. Can you?
(James を抱いて歩く Mrs. Ramsay。)
(L-293) JAMES: Mother, do you think *** will *** a boat tomorrow, couldn't we, Mother?(子供の英語は聴き取りにくいです。)
(L-294) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Would you like that, my darling?
(L-295) JAMES: Yes.
(L-296) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Well, then, we shall ask him.
(L-297) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I do not agree that it has to be done.
(L-298) CAROLINE RAMSAY: We must *** there's something to repair.
(L-299) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I'm sorry, but I cannot afford it. This house is a luxury, Caroline. We are here for eight weeks in a year.
(L-300) MICHAEL: But, for the remainder, it is a drain on my purse. Now, I love these summers more than anyone.
(L-301) MICHAEL: But let me say this: If you continue to give the nod to such unnecessary expenditure, I shall sell. I will place the house on the market this very autumn.
(L-302) CAROLINE: What do you want me to do? Shall I instruct the *** to take all the materials back?
(L-303) MICHAEL: I have no wish to discuss this trivial matter any further. Do as you think fit.
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2013/01/05(土) 12:49:06.27
(L-304) (44'20") PRUE: Has he found out?
(L-305) CAROLINE RAMSAY: He says he cannot afford it. It's ridiculous, of course he can afford it. Not easily, but it won't produce us to the workhouse.
(L-306) PRUE: Father worries so about money.
(L-307) CAROLINE RAMSAY: It's a moral issue, Prue. This house is a luxury. Luxuries are immoral. There's nothing to be spent on it. Oh, look at it. Such a pity!
(Mr. Ramsay と Charles Tansley がテニスをしている。)
(L-308) MICHAEL RAMSAY: You know, Charles, as I get older, I found out I return more and more to the central conundrum of philosophy, or rather it returns to me.
(L-309) MICHAEL: The relationship between mind and body. Here I am, after 40 years of reflection, I feel that, somehow, we're all fundamentally wrong.
(L-310) MICHAEL: I cannot find a concept that fits the physical facts. Minds are brains, after all. Brains are flesh and blood. Mind is meat, Charles.
(L-311) CHARLES TANSLEY: I do not perceive our minds as meat, sir.
(L-312) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Ah, but maybe we should, dear boy. That is my point. I go to the beach for a day. The sea sets my skin tingling, but the sea also sets my brain tingling.
(L-313) MICHAEL RAMSAY: You get my point? The sea may affect how I think. How is this, Charles? Assist me.
(L-314) CHARLES TANSLEY: I'm not sure I follow you, Mr. Ramsay.
(L-315) (46'17") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Cheer up, Charles! Cheer up! Ha-ha.
(Charles Tansley がテニスラケットを投げ捨てて立ち去る。)
(L-316) (46'23") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Charles! Charles! Good gracious, boy! What's the matter?
(L-317) CHARLES TANSLEY: I do not enjoy being the subject of amusement.
(L-318) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Oh, come on, really!
(L-319) CHARLES TANSLEY: I, I, I admire your abilities, Mr. Ramsay, enormously. You know that. I find it such a privilege to be asked down here, to work with you.
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2013/01/05(土) 13:09:41.37
(L-320) (46'48") CHARLES: I left my family and I came down. I fought and spent so many weeks to be able to discuss my dissertation with you. I must not miss such a chance. Now it's nearly over.
(L-321) MICHAEL RAMSAY: What are you trying to say?
(L-322) CHARLES: I feel disappointed. Deeply disappointed.
(L-323) MICHAEL: Do you?
(L-324) CHARLES: I don't understand you. Always gardening and sitting about, and playing cricket, and playing on the beach. None of it matters, does it? Well, what about your work? Isn't that what matters?
(L-325) CHARLES: Well, it's your family that matters. It's all your reading and writing and all our discussions on the beach, is that all a game? Well, my work isn't a hobby to me.
(L-326) CHARLES: It's real. It's absolute. And my political views are real too. I'm not playing games. Do I have to be a good sport to be acceptable to you?
(Charles Tansley が立ち去る。)
(L-327) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Mr. Tansley! Mr. Tansley! I have something more to say to you, Mr. Tansley.
(Michael Ramsay は、さっきまではずっと Charles Tansley のことを Charles と呼んでいたが、ここでは Mr. Tansley と呼んでいることに注意。)
(娘の Cam がピアノを弾いている。)
(L-328) (47'46") CHARLES TANSLEY: Philip, if Mr. Ramsay wants to know where I am, tell him I am gone to the village.
(James と Mrs. Ramsay。)
(L-329) JAMES: Phew, I'm hot, Mother.
(L-330) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Well, stand in the shade, then. I must finish this bed.
(L-331) MICHAEL RAMSAY: ??? ??? All through the valley of ??? Roads of six hundred!(???)
(L-332) CAM: Father!
(L-333) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Yes, Cam? What is it?
(L-334) CAM: Mr. Tansley, he gave me a message for you.
(L-335) MICHAEL RAMSAY: What was the message?
(L-336) CAM: ???
(L-337) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Come on!
(Lily Briscoe がカンバスに向かっている。)
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2013/01/05(土) 13:59:47.94
(L-338) (48'57") LILY BRISCOE: Now, where's the focus of such a house? I'm not sure I can see it. The outside tells me nothing. It should be sliced through -- like a beehive against glass, passages revealed.
(L-339) LILY: Storage areas. A Royal nursery. James, six, is stormy. Go, James. There'll be no trip to the lighthouse today. Today. . . is for the dissertation.
(L-340) (49'45") CAROLINE RAMSAY: James! Anyone seen James?
(L-341) LILY BRISCOE: Where is my focus? I found my subject.
(Mr. Ramsay が Cam の虫取り網を直してあげている。)
(L-342) MICHAEL RAMSAY: There! (Cam が走り去る)Cam, what was the message?
(Paul Rayley と Prue)
(L-343) PAUL RAYLEY: He's always asleep.
(L-344) PRUE: That's because he. . . . Well, he's up for much of the night for his poetry. He's a quite well respected poet, you know. His work is rather ??? now. He was a teacher in India.
(L-344) PRUE: He and Father were undergraduates together. He comes down every year. One of the traditions. (Augustus Carmichael が昼寝している。)
(L-345) CAM: Mother! Mother! (悲鳴を挙げる)(Mrs. Ramsay が倒れている。)
(L-346) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Cam! What is it? (みんなで Mrs. Ramsay を屋内に運び込む。)
(L-347) NANCY: Well done, Jasper!
(L-348) PRUE: I'm going to see Mother.
(Mrs. Ramsay が部屋で休んでいる。ドアのノックに答える。)
(L-349) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Come in!
(L-350) PRUE: Shall I come back later?
(L-351) CAROLINE RAMSAY: No, of course not, Prue dear.
(Mr. Ramsay が幼い二人の子供に対して)
(L-352) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Children, off you go.
(L-353) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Now, Prue, please, let up the blinds. I do find this gloom horribly depressing. How is my household, Prue? Is it still running along without me?
(L-354) PRUE: It's like Sleeping Beauty. The house is so silent. James and Cam haven't had a fight for three days.
(L-355) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Extraordinary! How is Paul?
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(L-356) (53'35") PRUE: Rather sunburnt at the present.
(L-357) CAROLINE: Don't be evasive.
(L-358) PRUE: Last night I suddenly woke up and started wondering, "What will he be like when he's sixty?"
(L-359) CAROLINE: Just as he is now. We grow old together, husbands and wives.
(L-360) PRUE: I've been thinking. How did has happened? Why this particular man? I mean, we met and fell in love. But it's all so random. Is that an awful thing to say?
(L-361) (54'32") CAROLINE: I first met Michael at a reception. Hundreds of people, you know, standing around, talking.
(L-362) CAROLINE: And I saw him standing there, all alone, with a plate in one hand and a glass in the other. It was as if he were a thin, black coast sticking out of the wall.
(L-363) CAROLINE: And all those other people were just bobbing around him. Like so much flotsam. Such a vivid recollection.
(L-364) PRUE: Were you sure?
(L-365) CAROLINE: Very.
(L-366) CAROLINE: Yes? Oh, Jasper!
(L-367) JASPER: Are you feeling better now, Mother?
(L-368) CAROLINE: Yes, Jasper. Much better.
(L-369) CAROLINE RAMSAY: But you must go out to the Land's End, Mr. Rayley. Every visitor to Cornwall does that. Don't you agree, Prue? Nancy?
(L-370) PRUE: Yes, Mother.
(L-371) CAROLINE: You should all three of you go -- for the day.
(L-372) ANDREW: The biggest ever!
(L-373) 別の息子: Look at it.
(L-374) 男: Oh!
(L-375) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Come and sit down. (一同が白ける。) My God! (スープの入った皿を窓から投げ捨てる。)This house is turning into a zoo.
(L-376) MICHAEL: Andrew, remove that bucket. ??? and God knows what else. We'll all be poisoned if something isn't done.
(L-377) MICHAEL: Mrs. Ramsay, if you spent a little more time here, which IS your responsibility, and a little less time in other people's houses, which is not,
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2013/01/05(土) 20:07:29.17
(L-378) you might be able to see that our kitchen has(???) started some note of elementary hygiene. Mildred!
(L-379) (57'06") PRUE: Father!
(L-380) MICHAEL: Mildred!
(L-381) PRUE: Father, please, let me see to this. Father, please let ME see to this. Father!
(L-382) NANCY: Prue needn't concern herself. Mildred will take it in her stride. She's as used to Father's rages as the rest of us.
(L-383) CAROLINE: Nancy! I WILL not have you speak of your father like that.
(L-384) NANCY: Why do you defend him!? I don't understand why you defend him!
(L-385) CAROLINE: Andrew, do as you're told. Remove the bucket.
(L-386) JAMES: Mother!
(L-387) CAROLINE: Yes, James.
(L-388) JAMES: I think we should go to the lighthouse today.
(L-389) PAUL RAYLEY: That sounds very exciting. I'd like to visit the lighthouse, James.
(L-390) JAMES: I see the boat is quite small. Mother, do you think we CAN go?
(L-391) CAROLINE: I'll ask your father.
(L-392) CAM: This one's Esmeralda.
(L-393) PAUL RAYLEY: I like James.
(L-394) CAM: James is all sixes. He's six years old. And here's six of us.
(L-395) PAUL RAYLEY: You're an extraordinary family. All of you.
(L-396) CAROLINE: I'm afraid you've seen us wots and all(???), Mr. Rayley.
(L-397) PAUL RAYLEY: That's how it should be.
(L-398) CAROLINE: Oh, no. I'm sure it's not. Suitors should not see behind the curtains.
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2013/01/06(日) 07:05:40.35
(L-399) (58'54") LILY BRISCOE: Oh, come! Mrs. Ramsay!
(L-400) CAROLINE: There sits my small black cat. My brisk(???). She watches all our drums(???) with her narrowed unblinking eye.
(L-401) (二階からの大声)MICHAEL RAMSAY: It is a disgrace!
(L-402) CARMICHAEL: Michael Ramsay has the black mood on him. You young people will not understand what it is: the black mood. There is no comfort.
(L-403) PRUE: I do believe Mr. Carmichael is on a different plane from the rest of us.
(L-404) LILY BRISCOE: To listen more than one speaks is a rare gift.
(Michael Ramsay と Augustus Carmichael)
(L-405) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I have to deliver a lecture at Cardiff University early in the term. The damned thing has been on my mind. Damned nuisance.
(L-406) CARMICHAEL: *** Undergraduates for the most part of the appetite of sparrows.
(L-407) MICHAEL: I am quite unable to do that.
(L-408) CARMICHAEL: I know that.
(L-409) MICHAEL: I have no new ideas, Augustus, nothing at all. I shall end up breaking through all my old ideas, you know. Tightened bundles, stuck *** boxes.
(L-410) MICHAEL: What's there that's still bright? That's the problem, you see. What can I hurl at them from the elect? Flash like a ***?
(L-411) CARMICHAEL: Poor Michael!
(L-412) MICHAEL: If you get any crawl from those slippers with "poor Michael," then I can do without you.
(L-413) CARMICHAEL: I said that because your phrases are turning purple.
(L-414) MICHAEL: Aaaagghh. I'm tired, Augustus. I'm weary. But I'm not at the summit.
(L-415) (1:01'05") ANDREW: Perhaps he doesn't realize that it's all. . . I don't know. . . serious. Jasper has it in Marie's bed. Ask him.
(L-416) NANCY: He doesn't understand. *** biggest questions. Universal questions. I can't go into a rage because of an earwig.
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2013/01/06(日) 07:07:07.69
(L-417) ANDREW: I asked Augustus to hide it for me. Just ** this evening, *** dissection with your father. Surely he'll be impressed.
(L-418) NANCY: Why do you want to please him?
(L-418-B) ANDREW: I don't care about that. Just want to dissect my crab.
(L-419) NANCY: You do want to please him. You always do. ***
(Augustus Carmichael の部屋。ドアをノックする音。)
(L-420) CARMICHAEL: Come in.
(L-421) ANDREW: Sorry I'm late, Mr. Carmichael. I said I'd come in to cut my crab.
(L-422) CARMICHAEL: Oh, yes. I've got something here, Andrew, you may find useful. Better be careful. Very sharp.
(L-423) CARMICHAEL: Don't ask me why I carry these odd things about me. I just like to have them near me.
(L-424) ANDREW: Thank you very much.
(L-425) CARMICHAEL: Mementos.
(L-426) MILDRED (MAID): It is ready.
(L-427) ANDREW: Thanks, Mildred. Did, uh, Jasper pay you? He told me he had a bet with you who'd win that wrestling final.
(L-427-B) MILDRED: I paid up more like. He bet somewhat lose. Thank you.
(L-428) MILDRED: I'll chicken out of the way.
(L-429) JASPER: Perhaps we should just cook ***
(L-430) JAMES: What are you doing?
(L-431) JASPER: Having tea.
(L-432) ANDREW: Oh, shut up, Jasper. This isn't for little boys like you, James.
(L-433) JAMES: That's a nice knife. Is that yours?
(L-434) JASPER: It isn't your business.
(L-435) JAMES: Then whose is it?
(L-436) ANDREW: Stop it, now, Jasper. Have Father up here.
(L-437) JAMES: I want to watch.
(L-438) ANDREW: No!
(L-439) JAMES: I'll BE very quiet. *** let me. Let me in. Let me in. I want to watch. Let me in. I want to watch.
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2013/01/06(日) 07:08:40.57
(L-440) MICHAEL RAMSAY: James, you are going to bed.
(L-441) JAMES: No. (悲鳴)
(L-442) CAROLINE RAMSAY: It's all right, Michael. I said we'd have the story downstairs.
(L-442-B) MICHAEL RAMSAY: No, he's going to bed.
(L-443) JAMES: Stow it! Stow it!
(L-444) CAROLINE RAMSAY: No, you'd better go to bed, James. ???
(屋外で本を読んでいる Nancy)
(L-445) PAUL RAYLEY: Latin, Nancy? Are you reading Chaperone ***?
(L-446) NANCY: Andrew and I are to be *** this afternoon.
(L-447) PRUE: How dreadful!
(L-448) NANCY: No, it isn't. My joint.
(L-449) PRUE: Education continues throughout the summer, Mr. Rayley. At a thoroughly gentle pace, will you continue this?
(L-450) NANCY: I think the chaperone is a bit silly. Don't you?
(Andrew がラテン語のテキストを英訳するのを Mr. Ramsay が聞いている。)
(L-451) ANDREW: To drive everyone away from fields, the neighboring fields, so that no one. . . dare? . . . dares. No one will challenge them or disturb their security.
(L-452) MICHAEL RAMSAY: You're groping in the dark, Andrew.
(L-453) ANDREW: Nancy is on her way.
(L-454) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Nancy is always a bad time-keeper.
(L-455) JAMES: He WAS here, Nancy.
(Nancy は父親の書斎に入り、書物にはさんである簡単な伝言メモを目にする。その内容は、次の通り。)
July 15th, 1912
Mr Dear Ramsay,
It was kind of you to send your book "Selected Lectures 1910-12," which I read with great anticipation.
Regrettably, I have to say that this book is not finally to be remembered as your best."

(L-456) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Let me take it off for you.
(L-457) NANCY: Is he pacing a bat?
(L-458) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I don't know what you mean by "pacing a bat." Your father has been working. And his car reflects it all day. That I do now.
(L-459) NANCY: Oh. Yes.
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2013/01/06(日) 10:19:28.17
(Mr. Ramsay が詩を暗唱している。)
(L-460) (1:08'18") MICHAEL RAMSAY: 彼が暗唱している詩の全文を読むには、
Alfred Tennyson "The Charge of the Light Brigade"

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All through the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
(L-461) LILY BRISCOE: Oh, dear!
"Forward the Light Bridge!
Was there a man dismay'd?
Was there a man dismay'd?

(L-463) LILY BRISCOE: It's dreadfully bad. There must be structure in the painting. The stronger mold(???) so that I can pull in everything. The sun, the summerhouse.
(L-464) LILY BRISCOE: And an earwig. And poor Rayley's flame of love. And the miseries of little James. Pull it all in, Briscoe. What about ***, so far?
(L-465) LILY BRISCOE: The ??? in child in a modern manner.
(L-466) JAMES: Will they be finished in time, Mother?
(L-467) (1:09'19") CAROLINE RAMSAY: Well, let me measure them against you. Come on, James. Help your mother. Let me see. The Sorley son is *** would be age *** Well, still too short.
(L-468) JAMES: Will we leave early in the morning? If it's fine, my darling. If it's fine, you'll go.
(Mr. Ramsay と Augustus Carmichael)
(L-469) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Ideas don't come easily, Augustus. You can't just sit there like Saint Francis with birds perch on his shoulder. (Saint Francis of Assisi のことか?)
(L-469-B) MICHAEL: A good idea, a truly great perception, is like the wildest of animals.
(L-470) MICHAEL: It must be hunted in silence with absolute concentration.
(L-471) CARMICHAEL: You have done that, Michael.
(L-472) MICHAEL: But so long ago, those days when I used to, all long walks in the countryside, I don't know where in particular, finishing out in or other, ah, spent it on scrapped tables with no interruption. Yes.
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2013/01/06(日) 10:20:13.29
(L-473) MICHAEL: Then I glimpsed some thought, too(???). But too much ease, I lost my way. And I planted the nettles myself.
(L-473-B) MICHAEL: Why do I surround myself with people who. . . the damnable domestic round?
(L-474) MICHAEL: The children, Augustus. Demands, demands, demands. They love their regularities, the rhythms of our life together.
(L-475) MICHAEL: So it must be every morning, so it(???) kiss good night, so every day, so every month, so every year, years, and years, and years.
(L-476) CARMICHAEL: We're all issued with our measure of love. You had a great mirror, Michael. Much more than many of us.
(L-477) MICHAEL: It's all gone, Augustus. All gone. I will not reach the summit.
(James が切り絵をしている。)
(L-478) (1:11'50") MICHAEL RAMSAY: He should be copying the pictures.
(L-479) CAROLINE RAMSAY: He likes cutting them out, Michael.
(L-480) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I see no point in it.
(L-481) CAROLINE: What is it, Michael?
(L-482) MICHAEL: I shall write to Cardiff to decline the invitation.
(L-483) CAROLINE: Oh, dear, you mustn't do that.
(L-484) MICHAEL: There are better men, you know, younger men. I have nothing to say, Caroline.
(L-485) CAROLINE: Michael, each lecture you give is a great success. Mr. Tansley says so.
(L-486) MICHAEL: Mr. Tansley, who's he? The men whose approval I want, well, give it to me.
(L-487) JAMES: We will be going tomorrow.
(L-488) MICHAEL: What?
(L-489) CAROLINE: The lighthouse. *** just say *** go to the lighthouse.
(L-490) MICHAEL: Why raise hopes? The wind is settled in the west and ***
(L-491) CAROLINE: But it could change. Things could change.
(L-492) MICHAEL: There will be no trip to the lighthouse tomorrow.

(L-493) (1:13'04") MICHAEL: Don't children grow? I said nothing but the truth. Do they need daydreams? Like roses need soil?(???) Caroline?
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2013/01/06(日) 12:38:08.87
(L-494) (1:13'43") CAROLINE: "Then I will," said Alice. "But why?" answered the fisherman, "How can you be King?" The fish cannot make a king."
(L-495) CAROLINE: "Husband," said she. "Say no more about it. But go and try. I WILL be King." There. Marie's come. Let's stop now, shall we?
(L-496) JAMES: Don't stop.
(L-497) CAROLINE: You can look at the pictures. I'll be up soon. Off you go.
(L-498) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Caroline.

(L-499) (1:14'40") CAM: Shall I be the belle of the ball, Esmeralda? Shall MY eyes shine like the *** shine? Oh, those are pretty, Esmeralda. Yes, I like those things. Shall I wear those ones?
(L-500) CAM: Would you like me to wear those ones? *** Yes.
(L-501) CAROLINE: What have you chosen for me, Cam? There! Now, to bed. I'll be along presently.
(L-502) JAMES: Take it off, Cam, take it off!
(L-503) CAM: You promised you won't talk about it. You DID talk about it, James VI, so!
(L-504) JAMES: I like to look at it.
(L-505) CAM: Well, you can't!
(L-506) JAMES: I like dead things.
(L-507) CAM: Oh, shut up!
(L-508) (1:15'45") CAROLINE RAMSAY: Into bed, please, both of you. I can't imagine why I let Jasper put it here in the first place. There. Let's *** imagine, Cam.
(L-509) CAROLINE: It's different now. A graceful secret. An over fare??? The nest will *** before to fly away to wonderful *** Imagine mountains again.
(L-510) CAROLINE: Imagine birds. The sound of bells and everything that's wonderful. Can I think of everything ***? (James に)It's still there, James.
(L-511) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Michael?
(L-512) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Thank you, *** Thank you, Nancy.
(L-512-B) CARMICHAEL: This is a triumph, Caroline.
(L-512-C) CAROLINE RAMSAY: A little more, Mr. Carmichael?
(L-513) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Glutton.
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2013/01/06(日) 12:39:47.08
(L-514) PRUE: A little more for you, Father?
(L-515) (1:18'10") CAROLINE RAMSAY: Yes, Mr. Rayley, that's right. This IS a French recipe. It's my grandmother's. She was French, you know.
(L-516) NANCY: Could any be French? English cooking is a disaster.
(L-517) ANDREW: Tosh, Nancy. Everything foreign is better in your eyes.
(L-518) NANCY: Oh, have I offended your patriotism?
(L-519) CHARLES TANSLEY: Good for you, Mrs. Ramsay, we can do without your patriotism.
(L-520) CAROLINE RAMSAY: I didn't intend to open our doors to attack your patriotism. It's just that I think the English overcook their vegetables. (みんな笑う。)
(L-521) (1:18'48") CHARLES TANSLEY: [Voice-over] What am I doing here? With this family, pretending to be at a banquet. . . .
(L-522) CHARLES TANSLEY: We've always been in a shabby old house, having dinner, while *** [声を出す] Talk about wind. No trip to the lighthouse tomorrow.
(L-523) LILY BRISCOE: [Voice-over] Dear Charles clamoring for attention. All these men do so need our female sympathy for the meanest flowers bloom.
(L-524) LILY: (声を出す)Your father opposed to the war, didn't he, Charles? The Lloyd George's man. [Voice-over] There, now bloom.
(L-525) CAROLINE: Sweet brisk.
(L-526) CHARLES: My livelihood is almost destroyed. The shop is very vulnerable to public prejudice, you see. You take that custom elsewhere.
(L-527) MICHAEL: Yes, scandalous. That's why the spread of suffrage without the spread of education is such a frightening prospect. Rule by appeal to them all.
(L-528) PAUL RAYLEY: I presume they brought their custom back in the new court.
(L-529) (1:20'00") CHARLES TANSLEY: Yes. As with the war, the euphoria is followed by a sense of waste, my father was rather admired. But I carry the memory of the hatred, and aspect of my childhood I shall not forget.
(L-530) PAUL RAYLEY: I have a poor memory of unhappiness.
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(L-531) LILY BRISCOE: Poor Charles! What chance have you against that?
(L-532) NANCY: [Voice-over] Yes. They will marry. Unstoppable dear blind mother is arranged destiny celebrated betrothal, with only two of them who are supposed to know what's happened.
(L-533) NANCY: [Voice-over] Mother knows she has arranged it all. Do I wish to celebrate? Prue will be happier for a time. What of me? Oh, Prue, what of ME?
(L-534) (1:21'17") CHARLES TANSLEY: We're sitting in the midst of tragedy, which will be repeated all round the world for every precinct scale.
(L-535) LILY BRISCOE: I shall complete my painting. I shall move the tree.
(L-536) CHARLES TANSLEY: Capital *** the cheapest labor jumping over *** patriots cling. Here, in Cornwall, the whole community of people has been desolated.
(L-527) CHARLES: Thousands of honest men have been forced to emigrate forever. There's poverty here and helplessness. Personally I find it hard to ignore.
(L-528) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I know many Cornishmen. They're my friends. I know of these things.
(L-529) CAROLINE RAMSAY: It's time for a toast, Michael.
(L-530) MICHAEL RAMSAY: To another summer together!
(L-531) EVERYONE: To another summer together!
(Nancy が Mr. Ramsay に詩集を手渡す。)
(L-532) (1:22'13") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Thank you, Nancy.
(Shakespeare の Sonnet 30を朗読する。)

When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste:
Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow,
For precious friends hid in death's dateless night,
And weep afresh love's long since cancelled woe,
And moan the expense of many a vanished sight:
Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er
The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan,
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2013/01/06(日) 13:16:16.79
(Shakespeare の sonnet の続き)
Which I new pay as if not paid before.
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
All losses are restored and sorrows end.

(L-533) (1:23'40") CAROLINE RAMSAY: Thank you, Nancy.
(Shakespeare の Sonnet 60を朗読。)

Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
So do our minutes hasten to their end;
Each changing place with that which goes before,
In sequent toil all forwards do contend.
Nativity, once in the main of light,
Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crown'd,
Crooked eclipses 'gainst his glory fight,
And Time that gave doth now his gift confound.
Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth
And delves the parallels in beauty's brow,
Feeds on the rarities of nature's truth,
And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow:
And yet to times in hope my verse shall stand,
Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand.

(L-534) (1:25'05") LILY BRISCOE: I must paint it again.
(雪が降る。)(Caroline Ramsay 死去。)(L-535) (1:26'19") MICHAEL RAMSAY: She didn't know I loved her. . . so much. So much.
(L-536) PRUE: Of course, she knew!
(L-537) (1:27'30") (Prue と Paul Rayley の結婚式)
(L-538) (1:27'58") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Abandoned, Lily, is the word I would use. I am one person who has come to realize ** ever since I lost Caroline. I'm an old man, Lily.
(L-539) MICHAEL: It comes rather hard to learn one is to be condemned to struggle the last years of one's life all down by the worries of our house to maintain our children to raise.
(L-540) MICHAEL: I'm alone now, Lily. So alone.
(L-541) (1:28'50") (息子の一人が戦死。)
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(L-542) (1:29'57") (Prue が出産のときに死去。)
(L-543) PAUL RAYLEY: If you were so worried(???), why did you say nothing? I had no warning from you, Doctor. No warning!
(Michael Ramsay の部屋)
(L-544) (1:30'36") MICHAEL RAMSAY: Still a damned bad time-keeper! (ドアをノックする音。) Yes.
(L-545) MICHAEL: You're late, Nancy.
(L-546) NANCY: I'm sorry, Father. I had to see to. . . .
(L-547) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Never, never mind. Don't start your excuses. And don't push Cam through the door ahead of you next time.
(L-548) NANCY: No.
(L-549) MICHAEL: Well, what sort of a week have we had? Plumber. What's this, plumber?
(L-550) NANCY: A tap in the scullery, Father. It kept dripping.
(L-551) MICHAEL: It's been dripping for years.
(L-552) NANCY: I couldn't stand the dripping any longer.
(L-553) MICHAEL: Stupid child. It doesn't balance. It doesn't balance!
(L-554) CAM: Have you decided whether we're going to down to St. Ives again, Father? Your said you *** DeMorrow to see. . . . I know you said I shouldn't ask again.
(L-555) CAM: But when Aunt Lily came to tea, she said she thought she *** the coat and rescue the house and go down again. . . just us. . . like we used to. Father?
(L-556) (1:32'28") MICHAEL: We shall go there.
(L-557) CAM: ***
(L-558) NANCY: (Voice-over) He's won again.
(Michael Ramsay と Lily Briscoe)
(L-559) LILY BRISCOE: Dearest Lily!
(L-560) LILY: (手にキスしてくる Nancy に対して) Nancy! Cam! James!
(L-561) JASPER: Lily, glad you could come.
(L-562) LILY BRISCOE: It's all mine, Jasper.
(Nancy と Lily Briscoe)
(L-563) NANCY: I don't suppose we slept at all last night. Our first here, you can imagine. Oh, Lily, it's awful. I woke up and cried. I was standing there down in the hall.
(L-564) NANCY: You know, where the tea used to be. Standing there. Staring at nothing. And weeping. ***
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(L-565) (1:34'20") LILY BRISCOE: I WAS reading about your poetry, Mr. Carmichael.
(L-566) CARMICHAEL: Trip is to live long enough in a fashion. *** I have been out in the cold, Lily. And now, I am back by the fire.
(L-567) CARMICHAEL: You know, Michael, in the new book, there's a poem I wrote when I was 17. "Dog Star Waitress." I thought you might remember it.
(L-568) CARMICHAEL: At the college magazine, oh, what was it?
(L-569) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I don't remember it. Probably one of your best. What would produce in a flash of our youth is often the best we ever produced.
(L-570) MICHAEL: Then we sing our melody. From then on, it's elaborate harmonies and orchestrations. But our melody is already sung.
(L-571) CARMICHAEL: Your phrases are becoming purple again, Michael.
(L-571-B) MICHAEL: I'm surprised your success has not brought out this sartorial aspect of your tastes. You were a dapper chap in our eyes (???) in our student days.
(L-572) CARMICHAEL: No, it's the same old suitcase. And much the same inside. Eh, Lily?
(L-573) MICHAEL: Well, what did the coast guard have to say, James?
(L-574) JAMES: They said the weather would change in two or three days.
(L-575) MICHAEL: Excellent. What you could call weather.
(L-576) ***: Sam says you could be whistling for a wind.
(L-577) MICHAEL: Well, whistle we shall. And we will find this. Will you be ready for our early ***, Cam? James? (二人が答えないので、苛立ってテーブルを強く叩く。)
(L-578) CAM: Yes, Father.
(L-579) JAMES: Yes, Father.
(James と Cam)
(L-580) JAMES: He's a morbid old man. Naturally he didn't ask ME if I wanted to come here again.
(L-581) CAM: Don't be horrible, please!
(L-582) JAMES: Here we are again in this smelly old house, with dear old Augustus to just lord over poetry, and dear Aunt Lily with her paintings.
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To the Lighthouse - 1983 - Kenneth Branagh, Virginia Woolf FULL

(L-583) (1:36'48") JAMES: He has what he wanted. Good morrow in the past. The past is dead, gone, finished. People shouldn't look back. They should only look forward.
(L-584) CAM: You've got a photograph of Mother. You took for your chest at home.
(L-585) JAMES: That's different.
(L-586) CAM: It isn't, James.
(L-587) (1:37'05") JAMES: That's different. And now we have a trip to the lighthouse. Do you know that Nancy rushing around all evening to *** pack a parcel for the lighthouse men?
(L-588) JAMES: He even wanted her to knit something. Poor Nancy! She's so afraid of him. Cam, why does he want to go to the lighthouse so much?
(L-589) CAM: Don't you know? For you, James. It's for you.
(L-590) LILY BRISCOE: I saw Charles Tansley during the war. Did I ever tell you?
(L-591) NANCY: I think you mentioned it.
(L-592) LILY: It's rather extraordinary. I have a friend who is very, uh, you know, active in politics and feminism and so on.
(L-593) LILY: She took me to a meeting. It was rather a dreary church hall in Kensington. The speakers were opposed to conscription. It was incredibly noisy.
(L-594) LILY: These soldiers were shouting and making awful threats. That's why people were seeing him. And suddenly, there, in all this confusion, I saw it was Charles.
(L-595) LILY: Up there, on the stage, giving us a speech. He looked even thinner. Even all poverty-stricken. I never knew he was a conscientious objector.
(L-596) LILY: Well, we can really have lost touch.
(L-597) NANCY: Needn't have worried. I doubt that the army would have wanted him anyway.
(L-598) LILY BRISCOE: Nancy!
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(L-599) NANCY: Well, I suppose he is laudable except when he has a right to oppose the whole mad ***. I often find myself admiring someone with principles. Men despise him anyway. Why are the virtuous sent ugly?
(L-600) LILY BRISCOE: Well, I really can't blame you for hating the conscious. I mean, people who lost.
(L-601) NANCY: It's all right, Lily. We must go *** anyway here. Poor old Augustus was terribly upset, you know, about Andrew. Apparently he was near to death himself.
(L-602) LILY BRISCOE: Andrew was his favorite, wasn't he?
(L-603) NANCY: They had something in common. Andrew had that same. It's all sufficiency.
(L-604) (1:39'42") LILY BRISCOE: He liked the army, didn't he?
(L-605) NANCY: *** Poor
(L-606) LILY BRISCOE: I remember talking to him at Prue's wedding.
(L-607) NANCY: There, now you HAVE penetrated my home, Lily.
(L-608) LILY BRISCOE: The wedding.
(L-609) NANCY: Yes.
(L-610) LILY BRISCOE: Oh, I'm an old blunderer.
(L-611) (1:40'16") NANCY: I think I should be going now. I see your fortune painting things with you.
(L-612) LILY BRISCOE: I must balance with Augustus. Same old case. Same old things. Mind you have a work to finish.
(L-613) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Mrs. Prescot, will you send my compliments to James and Cam and tell them to hurry up?
(L-614) (1:41'13") MRS. PRESCOT: Yes, sir.
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(L-615) (1:41'25") LILY BRISCOE: Move the tree.
(L-616) CAROLINE RAMSAY: Michael, it's time for a toast.
(L-617) EVERYONE: To another summer together.
(L-618) CARMICHAEL: Good morning.
(L-619) LILY BRISCOE: Good morning, Mr. Carmichael. I never recall your appearing so early for breakfast, Mr. Carmichael.
(L-620) CARMICHAEL: Oh, I grew out of all that. Silly *** working at night. A muse beguiled in the small hours. *** Sixty-five.
(L-621) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Will you damned children come out here?
(L-622) CARMICHAEL: Poor Michael! Do you know. . , that final summer we spent here, Michael had published a serious ??? and, the spring of that year, +++ you know.
(L-623) CARMICHAEL: Not quite up to the standard but the previous work *** was the best.
(L-624) LILY BRISCOE: I never knew that.
(L-635) CARMICHAEL: He had his heart out all that summer. Caroline consoled him, distracted him. You know the way she always did, always had. Perhaps too much.
(Mr. Ramsayが、部屋にこもっているNancy に声をかける。)
(L-636) MICHAEL RAMSAY: What's the matter with you?
(L-637) NANCY: Nothing.
(L-638) MICHAEL: Just your usual misery, is it? You have nothing to say to your own father? No crumb of pity? What's this?
(L-639) NANCY: It's a present for the lighthouse men.
(L-640) MICHAEL: (Nancyの用意したプレゼントをクシャクシャにしてしまう。)I will not arrive with something that looks like remnants from a church bazaar.
(Nancy の悲しみと怒りが爆発する。)
(Michael Ramsay が dining room に入ってくる。)
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(L-641) (1:44'41") MICHAEL: I thought you were in ***. This expedition is in memory of my wife. She liked to see that the lighthouse men were cared for.
(L-642) LILY BRISCOE: Oh, what beautiful boots!
(L-643) MICHAEL RAMSAY: Yes. ??? There is only one man in England who can make boots as good as these. Let's see if you can tie a good knot, young lady.
(L-644) MICHAEL RAMSAY: ***, Lily.
(L-645) LILY BRISCOE: He's happy now. He has this exhibition.
(L-646) NANCY: James, it's your turn to bat.
(L-647) MICHAEL: James, out is out. James!
(L-648) MICHAEL: James!

この映画では、"waves" という言葉を登場人物が口に出すことは少ないけど、waves の映像は頻繁に出てくる。小説においても waves という言葉は頻繁に出てくる。
すでに言ったように、Virginia Woolf にとって waves はとても重要であるみたいだ。

(L-649) (1:47'06") ボートの管理人: ***, Master James?
(L-650) MICHAEL: James!

(Lily Briscoe がカンバスに向かっている。Lily Briscoe の顔は中性的で、Virginia Woolf の恋人であった Vita Sackville-West の顔にかなり似ていると僕は思う。)
(さらに、Virginia と仲がよかった姉の Vanessa が画家であったということにも注意を向けたい。)

(L-651) MICHAEL RAMSAY: I'm glad you came now, Cam.
(L-652) CAM: It is beautiful out here.
(L-653) MICHAEL: I'm glad you came. You and James too.
(L-654) CAM: What are you reading?
(L-655) MICHAEL: Ha-ha, a nonsense. This apparently is one of the bright young men in my field. All flashes here and there, I suppose. There are as many holes as in that shrimping(???) you used to love.
(L-656) ボートの管理人: I'll take the *** now, Master James.
(L-657) MICHAEL: We have arrived. ***
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(L-658) LILY BRISCOE: They have arrived. It is finished. I shall not look at it. Close doors. But open windows.
(L-659) CAROLINE RAMSAY: (Voice-over) Dearest Brisk. You are a fool.

これで、BBC制作のこの2時間ほどの映画が終わりました。Charles Tansley を演じていたのは、有名な Kenneth Branagh。


DeMorrow だと思っていた人の名前は、実は Trevorrow だということ、それから
お手伝いさんの Mrs. Prescot は間違いで、実は Mrs. Truscott が正しいということにも


To the Lighthouse - 1983 - Kenneth Branagh, Virginia Woolf FULL
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2013/01/06(日) 19:56:29.07
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2013/01/06(日) 21:52:49.11

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2013/01/06(日) 21:53:40.75
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2013/01/07(月) 09:26:07.46
>>153 >>154

この二本の映画("Mrs. Dalloway" と "To the Lighthouse")は、しっかりした原作に基づいているからだけでなく、脚本家や役者などがよほど優れているらしく、単なるテレビ向けの
映画であるにも関わらず、深い味わいのある作品だと思います。最初に見たときは、「何だ、こんなもん」と軽く流していました。でも、Virginia Woolf をできるだけ深く理解したい
見れば見るほど、聞けば聞くほど、深く味わえる作品だと思うようになりました。"Mrs. Dalloway" に至っては、その最後の数分ほどのシーンで、書き取りをしながら僕は涙して

さて、YouTube に投稿されているVirginia Woolf 関係のビデオとしては、他にも、彼女の作品についての批評のビデオはいくつかあります。でも批評については、
僕自身がもっと彼女の作品そのものをもっと読み込んでから検討していきたいと思います。Virginia Woolf に対する非常にネガティブなビデオも2本(合計で20分ほど)投稿されています。
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2013/01/09(水) 10:15:44.44
Wikipedia の「ダロウェイ夫人」の項目を見ると、その日本語訳としては5種類も刊行されている

近藤いね子訳、 ヴァージニア・ウルフ・コレクション:みすず書房 1999年
丹治愛訳、集英社 1998年/集英社文庫 2007年
土屋政雄訳、 光文社古典新訳文庫、2010年


これ以外の Virginia Woolf の作品)を本当に理解しているのかどうか、僕自身も不安だ。

でも、"Mrs. Dalloway" については、魅力的な映画化作品で非常に助けられているだけでなく、
そこに登場する、戦争に参加していて目の前で親友を爆撃によって失ってしまった Septimus
Warren Smith に僕は感情移入しやすいので、僕にとってはわかりやすい作品になっている。

さらに、主人公である Mrs. (Clarissa) Dalloway 自身も Septimus Warren Smith に
Woolf 自身がこの Septimus を自分の分身だと思っていたに違いないと思う。

Virginia Woolf の伝記をちらちらと読んでいるのだけれども、彼女の生き様について知れば知る
ほど、彼女がそういう作品を書かないではいられなかった気持ちがわかってくるし、Septimus の
Virginia 自身が持っていたのだろうと思える。

Virginia Woolf の伝記をもっと読み進め、他の小説や評論や日記もどんどん買い進めているので、
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2013/01/10(木) 10:21:30.05
The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf

こういう本を手に取って拾い読みしている。Virginia Woolf の書いた46本の短編を

"The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection" という短編小説の題名が気になった。



People should not leave looking-glasses hanging in their rooms any more
than they should leave open cheque books or letters confessing some
hideous crime.

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2013/01/10(木) 10:24:04.40
この物語には、登場人物は一人だけ。Isabella という中年の独身女性である。一人

she had bought this house and collected with her own hands--often in
the most obscure corners of the world and at great risk from poisonous
stings and Oriental diseases--the rugs, the chairs, the cabinets which
now lived their nocturnal life before one's eyes.


. . . the looking-glass reflected the hall table, the sunflowers, the garden path so accurately and so fixedly


. . . there was a perpetual sighing and ceasing
sound, the voice of the transient and the perishing, it seemed, coming
and going like human breath, while in the looking-glass things had
ceased to breathe and lay still in the trance of immortality.

Isabella の人となりについては、誰も知らない、というふうに書いている。

Yet it was strange that after knowing her all these years one could not say what
the truth about Isabella was;


Isabella had known many people, had had many friends

数通の手紙が来たときには、Isabella はそれを一通一通じっくりと読んだあと、あらゆるものの奥底を理解したかのように深いため息をついて、知られたくないことを隠そうとして、それを引き出しにしまい込んでいた。
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2013/01/10(木) 10:25:44.59
Isabella would come in, and take them, one by one, very slowly, and open them, and
read them (= 手紙) carefully word by word, and then with a profound sigh of
comprehension, as if she had seen to the bottom of everything, she would
tear the envelopes to little bits and tie the letters together and lock
the cabinet drawer in her determination to conceal what she did not wish
to be known.


. . . surely one could penetrate a little farther into her being.
Her mind then was filled with tenderness and regret. . . . To cut an
overgrown branch saddened her because it had once lived, and life was
dear to her. Yes, and at the same time the fall of the branch would
suggest to her how she must die herself and all the futility and
evanescence of things.

いる。"life was dear to her" というのは、Virginia Woolf の実感だったろう。という

she was one of those reticent people whose minds hold their
thoughts enmeshed in clouds of silence

Isabella のことを、このように無口で、自分の思いを表に出さない人であるとも
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(その4) . . . and then her whole being was suffused (= filled, covered). . .
with a cloud of some profound knowledge, some unspoken regret, and then she was
full of locked drawers, stuffed with letters, like her cabinets.


At last there she was, in the hall. She stopped dead. She stood by the
table. She stood perfectly still. At once the looking-glass began to pour
over her a light that seemed to fix her; that seemed like some acid to
bite off the unessential and superficial and to leave only the truth.

Isabella が姿見の前に立ったとき、その姿見は不要なものはすべて取り払って、彼女に

She stood naked in that pitiless light. And there was nothing.
Isabella was perfectly empty. She had no thoughts. She had no friends.
She cared for nobody. As for her letters, they were all bills. Look, as
she stood there, old and angular, veined and lined, with her high nose
and her wrinkled neck, she did not even trouble to open them.

People should not leave looking-glasses hanging in their rooms.

そこには、何もなかった。Isabella には、まるで何もなかった。まったく空虚な人


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2013/01/15(火) 18:31:25.32
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2013/01/16(水) 06:19:37.90
>>Katherine Mansfield はかなり積極的な人で、Virginia Woolf に憧れて「彼女に
会わせてくれ」と強力に申し入れしてきて、その要望に応えて Virginia は Katherine に
会ったそうだね。Virginia も早く死んでるけど、Katherine はもっと若くして病死してしまったね。

Virginia Woolf の伝記を拾い読みしてるだけだから、まだ詳しいことは知らないけど、Katherine
Mansfield も Virginia Woolf にとってとても重要な作家かつ友人であったらしい。
当時としては自分以外に作家として飯を食っていた女性は Katherine Mansfield しかいなかった
から、Virginia としては Katherine に関心を持たないわけにはいかなかったみたい。第一、
Katherine Mansfield の作品をいくつも Virginia Woolf とその旦那である Leonard
Woolf が建てた Hogarth Press という出版社が出版してるもんね。
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2013/01/16(水) 06:36:28.72

第一、James Joyce もまだ20ページくらいしか読んだことがないし、William Faulkner も
ほんの100ページほどしか読んでない。William James は、"Varieties of Religious
Experience" を大昔に読んだだけ。

Virginia Woolf だけは、ほんの2か月ほど前からあれこれ拾い読みみたいなことをしている。

たくさんのことが詰まっている。Virginia Woolf の日記や評論や小説や当時の社会背景や

読んでいき、出てくる地名は片っ端から Wikipedia やネット上の地図を見てその場所を確認し、
Virginia Woolf がなぜそのような名前をつけたのかを考えながら読み進める。

難しいと言われる James Joyce の "Ulysses" とか Henry James なんて僕に読める日が
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2013/01/16(水) 07:15:48.09
そうは言いながら、"Mrs. Dalloway" は、最初に読んだときにはろくに辞書も引かず、ろくに
ネット上の調査もしないでぐんぐん読み進めたけど、面白いと思った。ただし、YouTube 上で

何度も言うけど、僕はこの小説に出てくる Septimus Warren Smith という狂人が好きなのだ。
そして、Mrs. Dalloway も好き。さらには彼女に恋焦がれてきた不器用な Peter Walsh も好き。
さらには、自分の考え方が正しいと信じ込む Sir. William Bradshaw や男勝りの Lady Bruton

それはともかく、Virginia Woolf を読んでいると、今、誰のことを書いているのか、いつの話
he か she で済まされるだけで、そのあとは延々と独白めいたものが続くので、誰のことを言っているか


なぜこんな書き方をしたのか?Virginia Woolf を読んでいていつも思い出すのが、
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2013/01/16(水) 07:16:28.13
Virginia Woolf は描きたいからこういう手法を採用したのではないかと思うのだ。



要は、悲しみを感じた誰かがそこに存在していたことだけがわかればよい。それが Mrs. Dalloway
自身だったかもしれないし、例の狂人の Septimus Warren Smith だったかもしれないし、
娘の Elizabeth だったかもしれない。



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2013/01/16(水) 07:17:03.26

そして今回、20世紀の初めごろ、Virginia Woolf という天才的な女性が、白人女性としては

世界観を Virginia Woolf は構築しようとしているのではないか?




僕は、そんなふうに思えてならない。だからこそ、僕にとって Virginia Woolf はわかりにくって
0168G ◆Y.6.rbvT92
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2013/01/16(水) 07:28:39.67

読んでいき、出てくる地名は片っ端から Wikipedia やネット上の地図を見てその場所を確認し、
Virginia Woolf がなぜそのような名前をつけたのかを考えながら読み進める。


今、Le Petit Princeをの原文朗読を聴きながら(貴殿の書き込みを読んで、視聴覚体験の重要さを認識
しました)、加藤晴久「自分で訳す 星の王子さま」を読んでいます。

>フランス語を学び始めてから55年になるのに、Le Petit Princeさえちゃんと読み解けない


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ひもとき、例の Portable Faulkner を開き、その合間に2チャンネルで元気な声を聞かせて
くださっているからこそ、僕も重い腰を挙げて Proust や Faulkner を読み始めることが
できたし、Virginia Woolf に関するビデオの聴き取りや小説の原文の読み取りをしようと


さらには、たとえ Gさんが粘着どもとやりあっているときでさえ、僕はそのやり取りから大事なことを
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2013/01/16(水) 12:28:13.74
Virginia Woolf に少し疲れたので、骨休めとして他の本を拾い読みしたり、YouTube 上で

(1) Tess of the D'Urbervilles (Miniseries) - Episode 1

これは、Thomas Hardy の例の作品を BBC が4時間にわたるテレビ向け映画として作ったもの。
Episode 1 から Episode 4 まである。原作では500ページくらい続くこの作品を無理に2時間に

"Tess" を映画化したものとしては、他にも2本、見た。一つは Nastasha Kinskey が主演した

さらに、1998年に作られた別の Tess の映画化作品も YouTube 上で見た。2時間ほどのものだった。

Tess of the D'urbervilles (1998) part 1


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(2) mansfield park 2007 full movie part 1

これは、Jane Austen の "Mansfield Park" を映画化したもの。2時間ほどあるこの映画の全編が
YouTube 上で見られる。劇場用の映画であるらしい。実に素晴らしかった。風景の撮影も抜群。

(3) Jude - Part 1

これは、Thomas Hardy の "Jude the Obscure" を映画化したもの。2時間ほどあるこの映画
の全編が、YouTube 上で見られる。これについては、特に感動したわけじゃないけど、主人公が

ともかく、YouTube 上では、日本語字幕はついていないけど、英語(そしてフランス語など)による
映画の全編がそっくりみられることが多い。有名でメジャーな映画で言えば、Tom Cruise と
Dustin Hoffman が主演する例の "Rain Man" も、一部ではなく全編が見られる。
アメリカ映画も、たくさん YouTube 上で見られる。もちろんこれも、一部ではなく全編が見られる。
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2013/01/16(水) 12:38:42.45
>>172 でさっき紹介した
(2) mansfield park 2007 full movie part 1


Mansfield Park (1999) - PART 1

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2013/01/17(木) 12:55:34.43
突然お邪魔して申し訳ないのですが、うちには講談社世界文学全集32 (1969年)がありまして、



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2013/01/17(木) 18:00:55.78
ほう、Henri Bergson の考え方って、面白いですね。さっそく僕も手元の紙の資料を見てみましたが、

Henri Bergson and British Modernism という本の中の一節(Google Booksでの検索結果)

To do this she developed a contrast beteween what she called "moments
of being" and "moments of non-being." According to Woolf, the latter
constitute the vast majority of our life; she referred to living in this
state as being like "cotton wool" ("A Sketch," 84), something that muffles
the senses and prevents a feeling of being alive, Moments of being are
much rarer, said Woolf, and also much more valuable. During these
brief moments one becomes alive: aware of one's immediate surroundings
and also aware of one's place in history. As Woolf describes the moment, "It is a
token of some real thing behind appearances; and I make it real by putting it into
words. It is only by putting it into words that I make it whole; ... it gives me, ...
a great delight to put the severed parts together" ("A Sketch," 84). These brief
moments appear to arrest the flow of time, but they also bring about a conflation
of times as each individual moment is related to previous moments that are
resurrected almost instantaneously.
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Far from being a moment out of time, Woolf's moments of being are instances of pure
duration, moments during which past and present time not only literally coexist, but
during which one is aware of their coexistence. In a Bergsonian sense, these are
moments of pure duree. They are moments when we leave l'etendu and enter into an
intuitive relationship with the essence of ourselves or those things that spark
the moment. By penetrating to the level of duree, Woolf seeks to depict life as it
occurs on a temporal, rather than spatial, level.

ここに出てくる Virginia Woolf の書いた "A Sketch" つまり "A Sketch of the Past" と
"Moments of Being" という評論集(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moments_of_Being
に収められたものなので、さっそくその評論集を注文しました。Virginia Woolf の評論集
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Woolf's moments of being are instances of pure
duration, moments during which past and present time not only literally coexist, but
during which one is aware of their coexistence. In a Bergsonian sense, these are
moments of pure duree.

つまり、Woolf は時間というものを二つに分けている。

(1) "moments of being" という充実した時間。Heidegger 的に言えば恐らくは「本来的な」
(2) "moments of non-being" という、空疎な時間。Heidegger 的に言えば「非本来的な」
時間ということになるんでしょう。このような時間のことを Woolf は "cotton wool" と呼んでいる。

こういう考え方は大好きなので、ぜひぜひこれについて書いている Virginia Woolf の
"Moments of Being" という評論集の中の "A Sketch of the Past" という評論
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2013/01/17(木) 18:31:18.64
このように Virginia Woolf の時間についての考え方は Bergson のそれに近いみたいですが、
Virginia Woolf 自身は Bergson を読んだことがないと言っているそうです。

17. Bergson's influence on Woolf remains controversial, not least because of her
denial that she had ever read him. For a fuller account, see Michael
H. Whitworth, "Virginia Woolf" (Authors in Context) (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2005), pp.120-9

"The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf," Second Edition, edited by
Susan Sellers, p.122
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2013/01/19(土) 07:29:21.85
「意識の流れ」のスレで他の人が紹介していた文章の中に、Virginia Woolf の文章の

まずは、"To the Lighthouse" の一節を紹介している。

But what have I done with my life? thought Mrs. Ramsay, taking her place at the head of the table, and looking at all the plates making
white circles on it. "William, sit by me," she said. "Lily," she said, wearily, "over there." They had that -- Paul Rayley and Minta Doyle
-- she, only this -- an infinitely long table and plates and knives. At the far end, was her husband, sitting down, all in a heap, frowning.
What at? She did not know. She did not mind. She could not understand how she had ever felt any emotion or affection for him.
She had a sense of being past everything, as she helped the soup, as if there was an eddy -- there -- and one could be in it, or one could
be out of it, and she was out of it. It's all come to an end, she thought, while they came in one after another, Charles Tansley -- "Sit there,
please," she said -- Augustus Carmicheal -- and sat down. And meanwhile she waited, passively, for some one to answer her, for something
to happen. But this is not a thing, she thought, ladling out soup, that one says.
Raising her eyebrows at the discrepancy -- that was what she was thinking, this was what she was doing -- ladling out soup -- she felt,
more and more strongly, outside that eddy; or as if a shade had fallen, and, robbed of colour, she saw things truly." (Woolf 83)
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Mrs. Ramsay muses over the value of her life and her marriage to her husband -- weighty issues of much significance yet completely unrelated to the
external events going on around her -- all while mechanically seating her guests round the dinner table and serving them soup. Throughout the whole
of the novel Woolf makes the main characters' sensory feelings and internal sequences of thought accessible to the reader as she does here, thereby,
reflecting the propensity of the human mind to rove even when our physical appearance gives pretense of our attention and listening.

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Virginia Woolf が書いた「源氏物語」についての評論が別のスレで話題になりました。

その原文である "The Tale of Genji" という Virginia Woolf による essay は、彼女の
essays をまとめた
"The Essays of Virginia Woolf," Volume 4 (1925-1928), edited by McNeillie
の pp.264-268に納められています。日本語訳にするとおそらくは400字詰め

楽に参照できるようにするため、一つ一つのセンテンスに (G-1), (G-2). . . というふうに
続き番号を入れていくことにします。G は Genji の頭文字です。なお、僕が手作業で

さらに、この essay には12項目の notes がついています。本文中に (note 1) とか
(note 2) と書いてある部分について、脚注がついているのです。脚注については、

"The Tale of Genji"
by Virginia Woolf

"The Essays of Virginia Woolf," Volume 4 (1925-1928), edited by McNeillie, pp.264-268

(G-1) Our readers will scarcely need to be reminded that it was about the year 991
that Aelfric composed his Homilies, that his treaties upon the Old and New Testament
were slightly later in date, and that both works precede that profound, if obscure,
convulsion which set Swegen of Denmark upon the throne of England. (note 2)
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(G-2) Perpetually fighting, now men, now swine, now thickets and swamps, it was
with fists swollen with toil, minds contracted by danger, eyes stung with smoke and
feet that were cold among the rushes that our ancestors applied themselves to the
pen, transcribed, translated and chronicled, or burst rudely, and hoarsely into crude
spasms of song.
------------- (G-3) Sumer is icumen in,
--------------------- Lhude sing cuccu (note 3)
(G-4) -- such is their sudden harsh cry.
(G-5) Meanwhile, at the same moment, on the other side of the globe the Lady
Murasaki was looking out into her garden, and noticing how 'among the leaves were
white flowers with petals half unfolded like the lips of people smiling at their own
thoughts'. (note 4)
(G-6) While the Aelfrics and the Aelfreds croaked and coughed in England, this court
lady, about whom we know nothing, for Mr. Waley artfully withholds all information
until the six volumes of her novel are before us, was sitting down in her silk dress and
trousers with pictures before her and the sound of poetry in her ears, with flowers in
her garden and nightingales in the trees, with all day to talk in and all night to dance
in -- she was sitting down about the year 1000 to tell the story of the life and
adventures of Prince Genji. (note 5)
(G-7) But we must hasten to correct the impression that the Lady Murasaki was in
any sense a chronicler.
(G-8) Since her book was read aloud, we may imagine an audience; but her listeners
must have been astute, subtle minded, sophisticated men and women.
(G-9) They were grown-up people, who needed no feats of strength to rivet their
attention; no catastrophe to surprise them.
(G-10) に続く
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(G-10) They were absorbed, on the contrary, in the contemplation of man's nature;
how passionately he desires things that are denied; how his longing for a life of tender
intimacy is always thwarted; how the grotesque and the fantastic excite him beyond
the simple and straightforward; how beautiful the falling snow is, and how, as he
watches it, he longs more than ever for someone to share his solitary joy.
(G-11) The Lady Murasaki lived, indeed, in one of those seasons which are most
propitious for the artist, and, in particular, for an artist of her own sex.
(G-12) The accent of life did not fall upon war; the interests of men did not centre
upon politics.
(G-13) Relieved from the violent pressure of these two forces, life expressed itself
chiefly in the intricacies of behaviour, in what men said and what women did not quite
say, in poems that break the surface of silence with silver fins, in dance and painting,
and in that love of the wildness of nature which only comes when people feel
themselves perfectly secure.
(G-14) In such an age as this Lady Murasaki, with her hatred of bombast, her
humour, her common sense, her passion for the contrasts and curiosities of human
nature, for old houses mouldering away among the weeds and the winds, and wild
landscapes, and the sound of water falling, and mallets beating, and wild geese
screaming, and the red noses of princesses, for beauty indeed, and that incongruity
which makes beauty still more beautiful, could bring all her powers into play
(G-15) It was one of those moments (how they were reached in Japan and how
destroyed we must wait for Mr Waley to explain) when it was natural for a writer
to write of ordinary things beautifully, and to say openly to her public.
(G-16) に続く
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(G-16) It is the common that is wonderful, and if you let yourselves be put off by
extravagance and rant and what is surprising and momentarily impressive you
will be cheated of the most profound of pleasure.
(G-17) For there are two kinds of artists, said
Murasaki: one who makes trifles to fit the fancy of the passing day, the other who
'strives to give real beauty to the things
which men actually use, and to give to them the shapes which tradition has ordained.'
(G-18) How easy it is, she said, to impress and surprise; 'to paint a raging sea monster
riding a storm' (note 7) -- any toy maker can do that, and be praised to the skies..
(G-19) 'But ordinary hills and rivers, just as they are, houses such as you may see
anywhere, with all their real beauty and harmony of form -- quietly to draw such scenes
as this, or to show what lies behind some intimate hedge that is folded away far from
the world, and thick trees upon some unheroic hill, and all this with befitting care
for composition, proportion, and the like -- such works demand the highest master's
utmost skill and must needs draw the common craftsman into a thousand blunders.' (note 8)
(G-20) Something of her charm for us is doubtless accidental.
(G-20-B) に続く
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(G-20-B) It lies in the fact that when she speaks of 'houses such as you may see
anywhere' we at once conjure up something graceful, fantastic, decorated with cranes
and chrysanthemums, a thousand miles removed from Surbiton and the Albert
(G-21) We give her, and luxuriate in giving her, all those advantages of background
and atmosphere which we are forced to do without in England today.
(G-22) But we should wrong her deeply if, thus seduced, we prettified and
sentimentalised an art which, exquisite as it is, is without a touch of decadence,
which, for all its sensibility, is fresh and childlike and without a trace of the
exaggeration or languor of an outworn civilisation.
(G-23) But the essence of her charm lies deeper far than cranes and chrysanthemums.
(G-24) It lies in the belief which she held so simply -- and was, we feel, supported in
holding by Emperors and waiting maids, by the air she breathed and the flowers she
saw -- that the true artist 'strives to give real beauty to the things which men actually
use and to give to them the shapes which tradition has ordained.'
(G-25および G-36) On she went, therefore, without hesitation or self-consciousness,
effort or agony, to tell the story of the enchanting boy -- the Prince who danced 'The
Waves of the Blue Sea' (note 9), so beautifully that all the princes and great
gentlemen wept aloud; who loved those whom he could not possess; whose libertinage
was tempered by the most perfect courtesy; who played enchantingly with children,
and preferred, as his women friends knew, that the song should stop before he had
heard the end.
(G-27) To light up the many facets of his mind, Lady Murasaki, being herself a
woman, naturally chose the medium of other women's minds.
(G-28) に続く
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(G-28) Aoi, Asagao, Fujitsubo, Murasaki, Yugao, Suyetsumuhana, (note 10) the
beautiful, the red-nosed, the cold, the passionate -- one after another they turn their
clear or freakish light upon the gay young man at the centre, who flies, who pursues,
who laughs, who sorrows, but is always filled with the rush and bubble and chuckle of
(G-29) Unhasting, unresting, with unabated fertility, story after story flows from the
brush of Murasaki.
(G-29-B) Without this gift of invention we might well fear that the tale of Genji would
run dry before the six volumes are filled.
(G-29-C) With it, we need have no such foreboding.
(G-30) We can take our station and watch, through Mr Waley's beautiful telescope,
the new star rise in perfect confidence that it is going to be large and luminous and
serene -- but not, nevertheless, a star of the first magnitude.
(G-31) No; the lady Murasaki is not going to prove herself the peer of Tolstoy and
Cervantes (note 11) of those other great story-tellers of the Western world whose
ancestors were fighting or squatting in their huts while she gazed from her lattice
window at flowers which unfold themselves 'like the lips of people smiling at their
own thoughts'.
(G-32) Some element of horror, of terror, or sordidity, some root of experience has
been removed from the Eastern world so that crudeness is impossible and coarseness
out of the question, but with it too has gone some vigour, some richness, some
maturity of the human spirit, failing which the gold is silvered and the wine mixed
with water.
(G-33) に続く
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(G-33) All comparisons between Murasaki and the great Western writers serve but to
bring out her perfection and their force.
(G-34) But it is a beautiful world; the quiet lady with all her breeding, her insight and
her fun, is a perfect artist; and for years to come we shall be haunting her groves,
watching her moons rise and her snow fall, hearing her wild geese cry and her flutes
and lutes and flageolets tinkling and chiming, while the Prince tastes and tries all the
queer savours of life and dances so exquisitely that men weep, but never passes the
bounds of decorum, or relaxes his search for something different, something finer,
something withheld.
(これで Woolf のこの essay の本文は終わり。このあとに、この評論集の編集者が

[Note 1] A signed review in "Vogue", late July 1925, (Kp C264) of "The Tale of the
Genji by Lady Murasaki", translated from the Japanese by Arthur Waley [1889-1966]
(vol. i, George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1925). VW (= Virginia Woolf) had met Waley, an
acquaintance of Bloomsbury, at a recent dinner party, and found him 'a little demure
and discreet' (III VW Letters, no. 1553 to Desmond MacCarthy, 17 May 1925). On
14 June she noted in her diary that she '. . . must answer Gerald Brenan, & read the
Genji, for tomorrow I make a second 200 pounds from Vogue;' and wrote that day to
Brenan, urging him to: 'Put this letter where it deserves to be, in Mrs Levey's earth
closet; I would not send it, if I could write a better, but it is not possible, not in this
perfectly divine heat. I'm reading Waley's Japanese novel and David Copperfield'
(III VW Letters, no. 1560).

[Note 2] に続く
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[Note 2] Aelfric, called Gramaticus (d. c. 1020), 'Homilies' (990-2), 'A Treatise on the
Old and New Testaments' (1005-12). Aelfred (849-901), king of the West Saxons
(871-901). Swegen or Svein or Sweyn (c. 960-1014), king of Denmark, 986-1014, son
of Harold Bluetooth, father of Canute, became king of England in 1013 upon the
capitulation of Aethelred the Unready but died before he could be crowned.

[Note 3] Anonymous lyric of the earlier part of the 13th century, the second line
quoted here being generally given as: 'Lhude sing! cuccu.'

[Note 4] Waley, vol. i, p. 93. Lady Shikibu Murasaki (c. 978-?1031)

[Note 5] According to Waley (Appendix I. p. 297) Book I of Murasaki's tale was read to
the Emperor in 1008.

[Note 6] This passage does not occur in Waley and has not been discovered elsewhere.

[Note 7] For both quotations, Waley, ch. ii, 'The Broom-Tree', p. 49, which has 'striving
to give', 'actually use and to give' and: 'One paints the Mountain of Horai (oの上に横
棒がついています); another a raging sea-monster riding a storm; another, ferocious
animals from the land beyond the sea, or faces of imaginary demons. Letting their
fancy run wildly riot they have no thought of beauty, but only of how best may
astonish the beholder's eye.'

[Note 8] に続く
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2013/01/22(火) 13:19:01.25
[Note 8] Ibid., p. 50, which has: 'like, -- such work,'.

[Note 9] For the account of this episode, ibid., ch. vii, 'The Festival of the Red Leaves', p. 211.

[Note 10] Princess Aoi was Genji's first wife. Princess Asagao resisted his attempts
to court her. Fujitsubo was the Emperor's consort and an aunt of Murasaki. Yugao
became a mistress of Genji. Princes Suyetsumuhana was, according to Waley (p. 12),
'A timid and eccentric lady'.

[Note 11] L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910); Miguel Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616).

"The Tale of Genji" by Virginia Woolf
"The Essays of Virginia Woolf," Volume 4 (1925-1928), edited by McNeillie, pp.264-268
垢版 |
2013/01/28(月) 20:01:47.46
学校の講義に使用したテキストに、"a society”が断片的に掲載されており、

a societyの邦訳は出ていないのでしょうか…
垢版 |
2013/01/28(月) 20:13:26.60
Virginia Woolf の "Mrs Dalloway" の全編を6枚のCDに吹き込んだものを数日前に



Virginia Woolf ばかり追いかけていると疲れるので、ついついあちこちの別の作家に寄り道
したり、YouTube 上でいろんな古典的なイギリスの小説の映画版を見てしまう。

Mayor of Casterbridge (by Thomas Hardy)
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2013/01/28(月) 20:14:19.13

BBC が制作したテレビ映画のようだ。全部で6時間も続くものであるらしい。「らしい」というのは、

でもすごく面白い。1850年前後のイギリスの Wessex の田舎を舞台にして、方言が飛び交い、

人は、こんなものを買わなくても YouTube でがんがん無料でいつでも見ることができる。

キャスターブリッジの市長 [DVD] 出演 アラン・ベイツ、アン・スタリーブラス、アンナ・マッセイ、 ジャネット・マウ (2012)
¥ 10,290 DVD
垢版 |
2013/01/28(月) 20:21:31.28
"A Society" という Virginia Woolf が書いた短編のようですね。



The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf

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2013/01/28(月) 21:01:46.99
Virginia Woolf の短編集の邦訳としては、アマゾンで見る限りでは二冊ですね。

(1) 壁のしみ―短編集 (ヴァージニア・ウルフ・コレクション) ヴァージニア ウルフ、Virginia Woolf、 川本 静子 (1999/8)

(2) ヴァージニア・ウルフ短篇集 (ちくま文庫) ヴァージニア ウルフ、Virginia Woolf、 西崎 憲 (1999/10)


果たして、この二冊の中に、"A Society" の邦訳が収録されているかどうかですね。
垢版 |
2013/01/29(火) 06:29:38.47
Virginia Woolf の "A Society" の邦訳を検索してみたら、出てきました。

(1) タイトル同盟協会
著者Virginia Woolf
著者坂本 正雄 / 訳
注記 記事種別: 翻訳
別タイトルA translation of Virginia Woolf's "A society" (1921)


(2) WISH(書物の題名)
佐久間みかよ 編注
B5判 並製 92頁 /定価1,995円(本体1,900円+税)
この本の目次の中に、" A Society" も含まれています。

0200G ◆Y.6.rbvT92
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2013/01/29(火) 07:02:03.83

604 名前: 吾輩は名無しである [sage] 投稿日: 2006/10/18(水) 01:35:18
0201G ◆Y.6.rbvT92
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2013/01/29(火) 08:47:28.40

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2013/01/29(火) 09:00:05.06
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2013/01/29(火) 09:13:39.68
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2013/01/29(火) 09:47:06.36
Librivox という、著作権の切れた世界の古典的な文学作品の全編を録音したものを片っ端から
無料で配信している団体がある。言ってみれば、Project Gutenberg の音声版だ。
この団体は、作り出したオーディオブックをまずは Librivox 専用のサイトで配信し、その
一部は、YouTube でも配信している。無料だからと言って馬鹿にはできず、僕はこれに大いに

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Librivox はあくまで英語版の小説だけを録音しているらしい。日本語やフランス語などはないと

さて、Virginia Woolf の小説の一部も、無料で録音しそれを配信していることに、たった今、

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2013/01/29(火) 09:48:28.31



これを試してみてほしい。上記のページでは Virginia Woolf の "Jacob's Room" を
いる。Virginia Woolf の他のいくつかの作品も配信している。短編よりも、むしろ長編の、

残念ながら、"Mrs Dalloway" や "To the Lighthouse" を無料で配信しているものは、まだない。
でも、これはなぜかというと、Virginia Woolf の著作権が切れてまだ間がないので、

その中にはもちろん、Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Victor Hugo, Shakespeare などの
長編もすべて含まれている。James Joyce の "Ulysses" だって、あの長大な小説を
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2013/01/29(火) 10:45:34.31


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2013/01/29(火) 21:21:12.48
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2013/01/31(木) 07:09:29.59
>>192 さんが紹介してくれた "A Society" を読みました。ざあっと一度だけ通読しただけだけど。

美辞麗句もない。これがほんとに Virginia Woolf かと思うくらいにわかりやすい。

いや、ほんとは Virginia Woolf は実にわかりやすい文章を書く人のはずなんだけど、
"To the Lighthouse" と "Mrs Dalloway" と "The Waves" という重要な三部作が
しまっているだけなんだろう。現に彼女の書く日記や評論 (essays) はとてもわかりやすい。


"A Society"(短編)の全文を収録したウェブページ
垢版 |
2013/02/01(金) 17:00:41.74
"Lectures on Literature" by Vladimir Nabokov
いきなり Vabokov がいい文章を引用してくれている。

Comme l'on serait savant si l'on connaissait bien seulement cinq a six livres.
(What a scholar one might be if one knew well only some half a dozen books."
("Lectures on Literature" by Vladimir Nabokov の冒頭から5行目あたり)

これは Flaubert が愛人への手紙の中で書いていた言葉だそうだ。僕がずっと前から感じていた
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2013/02/01(金) 18:12:18.93

If one begins with a ready-made generalization, one begins at the wrong
end and travels away from the book before one has started to understand
it. Nothing is more boring or more unfair to the author than starting
ti read, say, "Madame Bovary," with the preconceived notion that it is
a denunciation of the bourgeoisie. We should always remember that the
work of art is invariably the creation of a new world, so that the first
thing we should do is to study that new world as closely as possible,
approaching it as something brand new, having no obvious connection with
the worlds we already know.
("Lectures on Literature," Vladimir Nabokov, 冒頭から12行目あたり)
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2013/02/06(水) 19:20:05.64


MR. BOLDWOOD: You never liked me.
BATHSHEBA EVERDEEN: I did; and respected you, too.
MR. BOLDWOOD: Do you now?
BATHSHEBA: How do you mean which?
BOLDWOOD: Do you like me, or do you respect me?
BATHSHEBA: I don't know -- at least, I cannot tell you. It is difficult
for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly
made by men to express theirs.
("Far from the Madding Crowd" by Thomas Hardy"
(Everyman's Library の一節を、わかりやすくするために僕が台詞の一つ一つを

最後のセリフにあるように、この女性 Bathsheba は「言葉というものは主に男性が造ったのだ

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2013/02/06(水) 19:23:02.35
上記の "Far from the Madding Crowd" の一節は、Chapter LI すなわち「第51章」
