Not so fast Mormons! You shall not pass my mountain!
(Down from the mountain look who comes!
The American warlord, Brigham Young!
YES! I am Brigham Young!
I cut off my daughters clitoris.
That made god angry so he turned my nose into a clit for punishment!

(Brigham Young, his nose was a clitoris.
What will you do Joseph? Will you fight the clitoris man?)

Not fight him, help him! (oooohhhhhhhh)

Joseph Smith took his magical fuck frog and rubbed it upon Brigham Young's clit-face,
And behold, Brigham was cured!

Joseph Smith! Magical AIDS frog!
Brigham Young! Frog on his clit-face!

Brigham Young was so grateful,
He decided to join the Mormons and their journey.

Let’s be really fucking polite to everyone!

I got de golden plates! (gold plates)
I gunna lead the people! (we head west)
We gotta stick together! (Mormons)