LWB-2796 FBX Export: Surfaces are not working
LWB-2803 IES Volumetric Light Problem
LWB-2826 OpenVDB crashes
LWB-2834 Swirl doesn't work with deformed geometry. fix other position error.
LWB-2846 An order of operations problem caused writing into a released pointer, leading to heap corruption.
LWB-2850 Axis translate snapping not working as expected
LWB-2857 headlight contributes differently in PBRGLSL - user wants same as GLSL
LWB-2859 FiberFX Fiber Width and Splay Problems. fix for 0m guide offset.
LWB-2864 Knowledge of Volumetric plug-ins had been disabled in LScript during 2018 development and not restored.
LWB-2864 Removed a pair of Generic LScripts that managed Volumetric plug-in usage.
LWB-2870 Updated the CommandPort settings to use '2018' instead of '2016'.
LWB-2872 Node plugins with a name starting with a digit cause a crash
LWB-2873 OpenVDB Node crashes when used in the Volume Scattering node editor