My license→Upgrade license→Purchase maintenanceで各75$の支払いで永久ライセンスを最新版にする権利(メンテナンス権)1年分買えるぞ
>Regarding the updates:
>- you pay $75 to get 12 months of maintenance, and you own the software.
>For example, with Substance Painter 2 Indie:
>- you have free updates (free maintenance) up to September 30, 2017
>- we release new builds in October, November, etc, but you are not interested in the new features, so you don't do anything. You still use your regular build from September.
>- in January 2018 we release a new build, with a feature that you love: you pay $75, and you will get all the builds up to January 2019. Then you keep your build from January 2019.
>- or you can wait for a few more months, see what's coming, and purchase the update only you feel it's worth it. Maybe you will wait months before purchasing a 12 months maintenance.
>It's basically like today, except that instead of buying "Substance Painter 2" without knowing how many updates you will get, you buy 12 months of maintenance.